Firelock Games makes some of the nicest looking miniatures and models that I have ever seen. They produced their first game as a historical 32mm 16th century pirate game. This game focuses on tall-ships and privateer action in the Caribbean Sea. They called it Blood and Plunder.

Blood and Plunder is visually stunning and there is a good set of rules there too. I mean, just take a look at that ship!

Forbes Hobbies Commission Painting of my Blood and Plunder Sloop
Jeremy of Forbes Hobbies painted my Blood and Plunder Sloop for me. He does take commission work and you may recognize the ship from my review article.

As you can see, Firelock Games makes absolutely gorgeous models.

Their next adventure into the world of gaming is a 1/600 tall ship game that they just successfully Kickstarted. This game they called Oak & Iron. There is a lot of potential in this one and I look forward to the game’s release.

If you haven’t heard of Firelock Games, be sure to check them out. They run out of Florida in the United States.

The posts in this section all feature their products in some way. In some cases, their miniatures are in a showcase or review showing off another company’s product, but more often, the posts are about Blood & Plunder or Oak & Iron.

Firelock Games Posts…

Top Five 2018 Posts on Bell of Lost Souls – Written by Me :)

In this post, we take a look at the Top 5 most popular 2018 posts on Bell of Lost Souls. That is, the Top 5 there written by me, Jacob Stauttener.  🙂


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