There are an absolute ton of miniature gaming companies out there. Some of them you can find at your Local Gaming Store and others you can’t. On this page, I list all of the companies that supported Must Contain Minis by sending products in to review. Giving them highlighted space on Must Contain Minis is my way of thanking them.
Originally, I listed them all by the value of the products that they sent in to the site, but the list has grown so much that I will now list them alphabetically. That said, I will still identify some of the larger supporters of the site just to keep you informed by placing asterisks “*” by their names. These companies have sent a larger amount of products to MCM than the other companies.
From this page you will find links to all of those companies and to the posts about.
Now, let’s take a look at that list of highlighted companies.
If you have a company and want to appear on this list, please check out my Reviews Submission and Sponsorship Products Page.
It has been a long time since Asmodee sent me a product to look at, but they sent me both Runewars and Conan: The Board Game to look at.
For stories about them and their product, check out my Asmodee Category Page.
Asset Drop
Asset Drop sells subscription boxes. I got to check one of those boxes out.
For stories about them, check out my Asset Drop Category Page.
Black Scrolls Games
Black Scrolls Games is a paper and 3D printer company for terrain models.
For stories about them and their product, check out my Black Scrolls Games Category Page.
Cardboard Dungeon Games
Cardboard Dungeon Games is a local gaming company that is quickly becoming one of my favourites. They carry TTCombat terrain, tons of games (that are not GW), and sell their own line of gaming mats and miniatures rules sets.
For stories about them and their product, check out my Cardboard Dungeon Games Category Page.
Cigar Box Battle *
Cigar Box Battle makes mats for gaming tables. These fabric mats are some of the nicest gaming accessories that I have for my tabletop. They just make everything pop!
You can find posts about their products (or posts containing their products) by checking out my Cigar Box Battle Category Page.
Crucible Crush
Crucible Crush is somewhat local to me and I really like that they sell Frostgrave and Bolt Action kits. They carry a lot of Warlord Games products and run their own games like Flint & Feather and Black Sun.
For stories about them and their product, check out my Crucible Crush Category Page.
DGS Games
DGS Games makes beautiful miniatures and produces their own miniatures game called Freeblades.
For stories about them, check out my DGS Games Category Page.
Emergent Games
Emergent Games makes Fireteam Zero an interesting alternative history / weird World War 2 board game with miniatures.
For stories about them and their product, check out my Emergent Games Category Page.
Fat Dragon Games
Fat Dragon Games specializes in 2D and 3D printing for miniatures and RPG Gaming.
For stories about them and their product, check out my Fat Dragon Games Category Page.
Fireforge Games
Fireforge Games makes some amazing miniatures and have their own rulesets too. They are well worth a look to investigate their product range.
For stories about them and their product, check out my Fireforge Games Category Page.
Firelock Games *
Firelock Games has become a massive supporter of Must Contain Minis. Their products are absolutely stunning on the tabletop. Blood & Plunder has got to be one of the most visually appealing games I have ever seen on the tabletop. It makes me very happy to talk about their products on this website.
For posts about their products, check out my Firelock Games Category Page.
Forbes Hobbies
Forbes Hobbies is my favourite friendly local gaming store. They are in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada and have the biggest available gaming space in the area. They also help me with access to commission painters that help with the site and a place where I photographed many of my Battle Reports.
For stories about them, check out my Forbes Hobbies Category Page.
Gaddis Gaming
Gaddis Gaming makes 28mm miniatures and tabletopers.
For stories about them, check out my Gaddis Gaming Category Page.
GameCraft Miniatures
GameCraft Miniatures makes MDF terrain and hobby accessories. They sent me their LED Lamp and their terrain kits. That lamp really impressed me and I look forward to building their kits.
For stories about them, check out my GameCraft Miniatures Category Page.
HobbyZone *
Here is a luxury item that I am really happy to have. A HobbyZone Modular Workshop System. This unit is gorgeous and really feels good to sit down and paint at. HobbyZone are the original creators of the system, and in my opinion, they still make the most visually appealing version of a Hobby Organization System.
For stories about them and their product, check out my HobbyZone Category Page.
Hyacinth Games
Hyacinth Games are the makers of Wreckage.
For stories about them, check out my Hyacinth Games Category Page.
Infinite Black
Heath Robinson of Infinite Black has been a long time supporter of Must Contain Minis. We reviewed one of his board games (which is great), his terrain tiles and his Elder Dice. All cool products.
For stories about them and their product, check out my Infinite Black / RAINN Studios Category Page.
Model Box
Model Box makes really neat subscriber packs with paints and miniatures. A while back, I got to review one.
For stories about them, check out my Model Box Category Page.
MobsterMiniatures.com makes 28mm Mobster Miniatures.
For stories about them, check out my MobsterMiniatures.com Category Page.
Modiphius Entertainment
Now here is a company that I want to get to know more about their miniatures games. They publish Elder Scrolls and Fallout the Miniatures Game. On top of that, they publish many role playing games. Sometimes you see coverage of those games on this site too.
For stories about Modiphius and their product, check out my Mopdiphius Category Page.
Monster Fight Club
Monster Fight Club makes pre-painted terrain for 28mm to 40mm gaming. They also make 35mm miniatures for Cyberpunk Red. They make some really great products and I thoroughly enjoyed the products they sent me for review.
For stories about them, check out my Monster Fight Club Category Page.
North Star Military Figures
North Star Military Figures has got to be one of my favourite companies right now. They make the Forstgrave and Oathmark miniatures and also sell so many other manufacturers too. This is one of my “go to” companies. I made a lot of orders from them overseas and have always been happy with them.
For stories about them and their product, check out my North Star Military Figures Category Page.
Osprey Games *
Osprey Games was the first big supporter of Must Contain Minis. I am a huge fan of Osprey Publishing and Opsrey Games. Their products fit in perfectly with Must Contain Minis as they publish many Indie type miniatures game to the highest degree of polish that I have seen. Many of their titles are games that I play anyways – including Frostgrave and Bolt Action.
For Posts about their company, check out my Osprey Games Category Page.
Precision Ice and Snow
Precision Ice and Snow make fantastic basing materials for snow and ice effects on miniatures.
For stories about them, check out my Precision Ice and Snow Category Page.
Pulp Figures
Bob Murch makes really characterful 28mm pulp themed miniatures from his company Pulp Figures.
For stories about them, check out my Pulp Figures Category Page.
Six Squared Studios
Six Squared Studios is another miniatures gaming company somewhat local to me. These guys make terrain at amazing prices. Their shipping rates within North America are really competitive too.
For stories about them and their product, check out my Six Squared Studios Category Page.
Tally-Ho Games
Tally-Ho Games went to Kickstarter to fund a miniatures game. They sent me a handful of miniatures to review.
For stories about them, check out my Tally-Ho Games Category Page.
Wargames Atlantic *
Wargames Atlantic is an up and coming company. I consider them the company to watch when it comes to plastic miniatures. They keep pumping out new miniatures kits at a super fast speed. It’s simply amazing and their products are really good at an amazing price point.
For posts about their products and company, check out my Wargames Atlantic Category Page.
Westfalia Miniatures
Westfalia Miniatures makes really nice 28mm resin miniatures.
For stories about them, check out my Westfalia Miniatures Category Page.
XOLK makes really good MDF terrain and happens to be based here in Canada.
For stories about them and their product, check out my XOLK Category Page.