Our showcases show interesting products. Many are painted, some are not, but they are all neat. We do our best to inform the readers of what they are looking at so they can find the products for themselves if they are interested.

Paint Tanks Fast for a Brilliant Tabletop Ready Army with The Army Painter – A Quick 3 Color Paint Scheme

Do you have a big backlog you want to get started on, or do you need to get to the three-color standard fast? Let me show you how! In this…

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Warhammer 40K: Painting Space Marines – Two Styles, One Army

In this post, I discuss my latest completed project of painting Space Marines. Specifically, Infernus Space Marines from the new Starter and Levithan sets for Warhammer 40K. What’s better than…

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My First-Time Using Vallejo Xpress Colors – Painting Miniatures Quickly

Recently I had a discussion with one of my friends who encouraged me to experiment and led to my first-time using Vallejo Xpress Colors Paint. The method I used to…

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