In this post, we look at Les Grognard Ogres by Wargames Atlantic as painted by me. If you are looking for affordable models for your large armies (be it Warhammer 40K, Grimdark Future, or another game), then Wargames Atlantic is an excellent choice. These models are 3D printed models that you can pick up from MyMiniFactory. Links are at the end of article.
Now, let’s take a closer look.
Painted Les Grognard Ogres
In a past post, I showed off some of these 3D printed models as done by my friend Dave. In today’s post, you see my painted versions of these miniatures. They were all printed off of a Resin 3D Printer.

The figures painted up very quickly and look really good. Dave used speed paints for his while my approach was the traditional method of basecoat, shade and highlight with army painter paints. If you want to see the steps and exact paints I used for these models, there is a video at the end of the post.

Overall, I really like the outcome of these models.

I wasn’t sure how they would paint up when I primed or built these miniatures, but the details from the 3D printer and STL file came out good.

Now, let me show you the other Ogres before we close out this article with how you can get your own minis like these ones.

Let me know what you think of these miniatures in the comments below.
Wrapping it up…
Right now, there are two different ways to get Sci-Fi Ogres from Wargames Atlantic. They have a plastic model kit that doubles as their fantasy Ogres. Those figures look different than the Les Grognard Ogres showcased in this post. These Ogres can be found on MyMiniFactory. Here is a direct link to the product page.
I also have a review of these models here on Must Contain Minis. If you want to see them painted in a different scheme using Contrast or Speed Paints as painted by Dave Lamers.

Above are the figures as painted by Dave Lamers.

Above are the figures as painted by Jacob Stauttener.
The paint scheme I used is the exact same as I used for the other infantry I painted for my Human Defense Force. The video detailing my paint scheme is embedded below.
As I mentioned earlier, both Dave and I are using our models for Grimdark Future by OnePageRules. You can get those rules from DriveThruRPG [Affiliate Link]. These rules are extremely affordable, and a nice alternative to Warhammer 40K.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!