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I set up Must Contain Minis to spread my love of gaming and to promote smaller companies in the gaming market. Of course, this focus is specific to games with miniatures in them, be it a board game or miniatures game. I started the Ontario Miniature Gaming Convention Page to give the local community a resource for gathering together. Now I aim to also help Canadian Businesses extend their reach with this Canadian Miniatures Gaming Companies Page.
On this page, I will gather all of the Canadian businesses that I know of that specialize in miniatures. Now, these companies cannot be just retailers. They must be manufacturers in some way.
Sadly enough, COVID-19 encouraged me to create this page. Seeing the decline (and full cancellation) of local gaming conventions, I wanted to help small businesses that relied on those events. Specifically the small shops that make their products here in Canada. I went online searching “Canadian Miniature Manufacturers” and “Canadian Miniature Companies” and came up with mostly retail stores.
That is all well and good, but what about the companies that actually make the products in Canada? This page is an answer to that question. Those companies will now be listed on Must Contain Minis.
In using this page, you can support Canadian businesses and Canadian products.
Quick Links… Full Systems, Miniatures, Terrain, Rule Sets
House Rules
Must Contain Minis is a one-person site. On top of that, I keep busy with my professional career and writing for Bell of Lost Souls.
The goal of this page is to become the best resource for finding Canadian Miniatures Gaming Companies. I will be keeping this page up-to-date by checking links and adding to it as I learn of new companies. To keep things manageable, I am implementing the following rules.
Rules to make it on list…
- Your business must reside or be headquartered in Canada.
- You must have an online store.
- You must sell miniatures related products that you make or design in Canada.
- The products must be mass produced.
Excluded from the list…
- Commission Painters (unless you manufacture products too).
- Custom Terrain Producers (unless you reliably mass-produce the products).
- Re-sellers and Retailers (unless you manufacture or sell products of your own).
- Etsy, Ebay, Kijiji and related Shops.
- Facebook Market Place.
- Kickstarter only companies.
- Writers with a significant amount of miniature gaming content on either DriveThruRPG or the WargameVault.
I apologize for the small businesses that do not make the list. I need to set in place these rules so I don’t get overwhelmed. Like many of the businesses out there, I am a one-man-shop doing this in my spare time for fun. My aim is to help the gaming community.
How to Get On the List
If you, or a business you know, qualify for the list but do not appear on it, then please let me know. E-Mail would be the best way to do this, but you could also reach out to me by Facebook.
Now, on to that list…
Canadian Miniatures Gaming Companies
Below is the list of the Canadian Miniatures Gaming Companies of which I know. To make things easier for you, I put in category links so you can jump around the article faster. You will find the following links throughout the article.
Quick Links… Full Systems, Miniatures, Terrain, Rule Sets
As a preface, you might want to touch base with the companies before buying to see how COVID-19 is affecting their deliveries. Recently I have touched base with most of these companies. A few did not get back to me, but the vast majority are open for business and communicating.
In fact, I even placed an order with one of them.
Full Systems
Quick Links… Full Systems, Miniatures, Terrain, Rule Sets
The companies listed under Full Systems all offer rules along with miniature lines for their games. As long as they produce one of those two products, and offer both on their website, they can be listed here.
Crucible Crush
Now here is a company that I really like. Crucible Crush produces the games Flint and Feather, Star Crush and their upcoming game Black Sun. They make their own miniatures for these games, produce their own lines of WW2 and Cthulhu based miniatures and resell many products by different brands. Among those brands is Osprey Games, Warlord Games, North Star Military Figures and more.
Link to Crucible Crush. Link to their Sponsorship Page on Must Contain Minis.

Cardboard Dungeon Games
Cardboard Dungeon Games is an all in one shop for Terrain, Miniatures and Rule Sets. Their rule sets include The Carniverse and an upcoming game called Primevo. They resell Reaper Miniatures, Coat d’arms paint, and TTCombat terrain kits. They also produce their own line of gaming mats for your 6′ by 4′ and your 4′ by 4′ gaming tables.
Link to Cardboard Dungeon Games. Link to their Sponsorship Page on Must Contain Minis.

RAFM is the company that brought me back into gaming after a long hiatus. They wrote the rules for USX: Modern Day Heroes and Death in the Dark. They also manufacture figures for both games (I use the USX: Miniatures for a number of games) and carry plenty of more figures too. Personally, I can’t say enough on how much I like their Cthulhu and USX: Modern Day Heroes lines of miniatures.
Link to RAFM.

Dream Pod 9
Dream Pod 9 is a tabletop wargames manufacturer based in Montreal, with in-house pewter and resin miniatures casting. They also do plastic miniature manufacturing via partners in both Canada and the USA. Their games include Heavy Gear Blitz, Heavy Gear Arena, Badlands Rally, Jovian Wars, and Gear Krieg. On their site you can find links to their free ebook rules and their online store. Come pick up some of their great Canadian Miniatures.
Link to Dream Pod 9.

Raybox is the maker of a number of games and are currently bringing those games back for a new generation of players to enjoy. They have Legions of Steel on they go now and dice trays that you can buy. I anticipate that they will also bring back their other games in the future too.
Link to Raybox.

Uncle Mike’s Worldwide
If you like cults, Cthulhu or Strange Aeons, here is a very fun company to follow – Uncle Mike’s Worldwide. He wrote the game Strange Aeons and also ran a Kickstarter for the game Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten: Tabletop Cult Skirmishes. If you have not checked out the video on that Kickstarter page, check it out!!! It is a lot of fun in a cheesy and zany way.
Link to Uncle Mike’s Worldwide.

Okumarts is a Canadian Company that specializes in Paper Miniatures. They have a massive amount of products available through DriveThruRPG. I even tried my hand at one of his games, Darkfast Dungeons. This company offers it all in paper – Miniatures, Terrain, and Rules. A one stop place for all your paper miniature needs. For those interested, Okumarts has their own forums pages too. You can even join their patreon for more Okumarts fun.
Link to Okumarts Forums. Link to the Okumarts collection on DriveThruRPG. Okumarts on Patreon.

Hardsix Gaming is an up and coming company that sells a line of 36mm miniatures intended for their game Kingdom & Empire. The game is not yet released, but the miniatures are available.
Link to Hardsix Gaming.

Quick Links… Full Systems, Miniatures, Terrain, Rule Sets
Looking for Miniatures? The companies in this section of the Canadian Miniatures Gaming Companies list all make them right here in Canada.
Now, these are in addition to the ones listed under Full Systems. The companies in this part of the list make figures, but no rule systems.
Pulp Figures
Pulp Figures makes some of the best pulp miniatures that I have ever seen. Prices are really reasonable too. I bought a number of their miniatures and plan to buy more.
Link to Pulp Figures. Link to their Sponsorship Page on Must Contain Minis.

Full Battle Rattle Miniatures
Looking for modern soldiers in 28mm? Full Battle Rattle Miniatures is your company. They have a full line of 28mm modern Canadian Soldier miniatures. They also make a 1/50 scale LAV III armoured vehicle. This is cool stuff!
Link to Full Battle Rattle Miniatures.

Die Waffenkammer (JTFM Enterprises)
If you like 28mm World War 2, Die Waffenkammer is for you. They specialize in armour and vehicles in 1/56 scale. You can find plenty of the standard vehicles there plus models that other companies do not make. Well worth checking out. They also make their own line of 28mm Post World War 2 vehicles.
Link to Die Waffenkammer.

Westfalia Miniatures
Westfalia Miniatures makes 28mm /32mm miniatures for fantasy games. They target RPGs and Miniature skirmish games alike. They even have their own rule set, but it is not currently available – they are working on a second edition.
The pictures of their traditionally made miniatures looks great and the company is even giving away free STL files of their new line of Halfling miniatures for 3D printers.
Link to Westfalia Miniatures.

Relic Miniatures
Relic Miniatures makes 28mm historical miniatures. They are especially well known for their Punic and Hellenistic War Miniatures in pewter.
Link to Relic Miniatures.

Legion IV Hire
Looking for something really small? Legions IV Hire has 1/285 scale modern and WW2 miniatures, as well as warships in 1/2400 scale. On top of that, they also have more miniature offerings including star-ships and terrain.

Link to Legions IV Hire.
Harwood Hobbies
Harwood Hobbies makes fantasy miniatures based on Sinbad and Cthulhu inspired miniatures. The miniatures tend to be 30mm to 35mm from head to toe.
Link to Harwood Hobbies.

Kingsford Miniatures
Kingsford Miniatures is a company that makes 28mm Samurai and Gladiator Miniatures. They are located on Canada’s West Coast.
Link to Kingsford Miniatures.

The Tékumel Club
The Tékumel Club produces a range of 28mm miniatures based on M. A. R. Barker’s creations. There are some interesting miniatures here, but not all of them are safe for work.
This online store is also set up differently than the others on this list. It is set up more like an online catalog for a mail order system. You buy by email. I included it on the list because of the volume of miniatures that they produce.
Link to The Tékumel Club.

Covered Under Full Systems
The following companies also make their own miniatures, but are profiled under Full Systems.
- Crucible Crush (Historical North America, Sci-Fi Vietnam, Historical Vietnam, WW2, and more)
- RAFM (Modern, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Cthulhu and Historical)
- Dream Pod 9 (Sci-Fi)
- Uncle Mike’s Worldwide (Cthulhu based and cultists)
- Okumarts (Paper miniatures)
- Raybox (Legions of Steel – 35mm Sci-Fi Miniatures)
Terrain and Accessories
Quick Links… Full System, Miniatures, Terrain, Rule Sets
After collecting your miniatures, it is always more fun to play if you also have nice Terrain. The following companies all make or design Terrain right here in Canada.
Many of these companies also make hobby accessories to keep your workstations more organized.
XOLK is an MDF terrain company that I really like. I started by buying a few of their kits and I was very impressed. For the price I paid, the value was great and the buildings look fantastic. I bought a few more pieces and XOLK sent me a number of buildings for review and to use at conventions.
Link to XOLK. Link to their Sponsorship Page on Must Contain Minis.

Six Squared Studios
Six Squared Studios is yet another company that I really like. These guys circulate in my local convention scene, so I don’t pay for shipping when I purchase from them. That said, I understand that their shipping rates are pretty good within North America. This is yet another company where you get great value when comparing price to the actual product.
Link to Six Squared Studios. Link to their Sponsorship Page on Must Contain Minis.

Northern Lights Terrain and Gaming Supplies
Northern Lights Terrain specializes in MDF terrain and acrylic gaming aids. They focus mostly on 28mm games but do other scales too. I haven’t tried their products out, but there are a lot of cool looking 28mm MDF buildings on their site in about four different lines – Normandy, Urban Apartments, Western and Sci-Fi. Their offerings keep growing too.
Link to Northern Lights Terrain and Gaming Supplies.

Infinite Dimensions Games
Infinite Dimensions Games is yet another 3D design company that makes me wish that I had a 3D printer. They have some really nice looking models. If you don’t have a 3D printer, they have a number of licensed partners around the world that can print the models off and send them to you.
Link to Infinite Dimensions Games.

M3Studios is another company that makes STL files for 3D printers based out of Canada. Right now, their offerings are Sci-Fi based. The website seems to be down now, but there is a place holder, so I will leave this entry for now.
Link to M3Studios.

TabletopGamerStore.com is a company that I have been tempted to buy from a couple of times, but haven’t yet. They offer really great looking paint table accessories as well as a selection of Tabletop Terrain. They are worth a look.
Link to TabletopGamerStore.com.

Covered Under Other Categories
Many companies make products that fit more than one category. The following companies make their own terrain, but are profiled under Full Systems.
- Cardboard Dungeon Games (neoprene game mats)
- Okumarts (paper terrain)
The following company is covered under Miniatures.
- Legions IV Hire (very small buildings and terrain)
- Die Waffenkammer (JTFM Enterprises) – (WW2 28mm defenses)
Tools & Accessories
Quick Links… Full System, Miniatures, Terrain, Rule Sets
These are companies that make their own tools and accessories to make working with miniatures easier. This could include decals, organization tools and even gaming tokens.
Light Industries
This is a company I just learned about. They make a few cool things to keep you organized and make your minis look good.
Link to Light Industries.

Vaubanner Graphics
Vaubanner Graphics makes banner for your wargames.
Link to Vaubanner Graphics.
Already Covered
A lot of the terrain companies also make accessories too. Be sure to check out those companies too for more accessories. These companies include…
- Six Squared Studios
- Tabletop Gamer Store
Rule Sets
Quick Links… Full System, Miniatures, Terrain, Rule Sets
These are companies that make their own rule sets. I fully anticipate this section to grow, but these are the companies that I know.
Basically, every company listed under Full Systems also has their own rule sets for their own games.
As I learn of more systems and companies that make rules, they will go here too.
Covered Under Full Systems
The following companies also make their own rules, but are profiled under Full Systems.
- Crucible Crush (Flint and Feather, Black Sun, Star Crush)
- RAFM (USX Modern Day Heroes, Charlie Company)
- Dream Pod 9 (Heavy Gear Blitz, Heavy Gear Arena, Badlands Rally, Jovian Wars, Gear Krieg)
- Uncle Mike’s Worldwide (Strange Aeons, Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten)
- Okumarts (Darkfast Dungeons, Snowball Wars, Various Role Playing Games)
Wrapping it up…
There you have it folks! These are all of the miniature gaming companies that I know of producing products in Canada.
If I missed any companies that you feel should be on this Canadian Miniatures Gaming Companies list, please let me know. I can be reached by E-Mail or through the Must Contain Minis Facebook Page.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!