One of things that I love to do is attend local gaming conventions. This post is a Report of my experience at Broadsword 5, which took place on May 5, 2018. This date was close enough to my Birthday, that I considered going my Birthday present to myself.
Since Broadsword 5, Broadsword 6 has already taken place and Broadsword 7 is planned for November 24, 2018. For anyone wondering, these events take place in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
With Broadsword 7 coming soon, I wanted to quickly wrap up Broadsword 5 with this Convention Report.
This post recaps the games that I played, provides new content with a look at the other tables at the event and quickly looks at one of the vendors there.
Games I Played…
One of the best parts of going to a convention is trying out new games. At this event, I ran a two games of Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago, tried out Strange Aeons 2, played a few games of King of Tokyo, and tried out a 28mm version of Charlie Company.
I was particularly excited about running the game of Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago and even wrote an article about prepping for the event and about some of the custom terrain I made for the board. The short campaign at Broadsword 5 went very well and I am always happy to teach people a new game and to show off products sent to Must Contain Minis to review on the tabletop.

Next, I got to play Strange Aeons hosted by Lembit Tohver. This was a game that I wanted to try for a long time and I was happy to get a seat.

I then played King of Tokyo for my first time.

Finally, I wrapped up the night with a 28mm game of Charlie Company hosted by Dave McKay and Graeme Atkinson. Now, I tried Charlie Company before in its original scale, but it was a treat to try a modified version of the rules in 28mm.

Other Games…
Of course, there were a large number of games being played aside from the ones I managed to get into. When I could, I took a walk around and took pictures of some of the other games there.

Modified Force on Force – In Space, No-One Can Hear You Scream…
This next table is absolutely gorgeous. I wish I got a chance to give the game a try. It was called “In Space, No-One Can Hear You Scream…” and was ran on a modified Force on Force rule system by Sean Reis. In it, Pirates, Smugglers and Outlaws enter a mining asteroid for a quick snatch and grab of resources. Unfortunately, none of the groups knew what they were really getting into. Sounds exciting!

Let’s take a closer look in at those rooms.

Age of Sigmar

Unknown tables…
My apologies go out to the people that ran the tables below. I do not know what games were played on these tables or who hosted them. They still look really cool!

Crucible Crush
Vendors are always a great draw to the local conventions for me. One of my favourites is Crucible Crush. If you don’t know of these guys, they are great!!! They have their own Games (Including Flint and Feather) and carry many other lines that interest me too (Including Bolt Action).
It is always great to talk to the booth’s operator, Lee, and I wish I could buy everything that he sells. 🙂

Wrapping it up…
Hopefully you enjoyed this article about Broadsword 5. Don’t forget, Broadsword 7 is coming this November 24, 2018.
Personally, I love these types of conventions. They give you the best chance to try out “new to you” games without having to put in much investment. It is also neat to see that Board Gaming and (at Broadsword 7) even RPGs are making an appearance at these events.
Other upcoming local events include Council Fires and SkyCon. I plan to be at Council Fires and am running a Bolt Action table there aimed at new players. I will also be at SkyCon. Seeing these events grow in popularity helps with my goal of showing the public just how many different games are out there to try and get into.
If you have a miniature gaming event local to Ontario, and want some help getting word out, let me know. I would like to help you get the word out. My email is [email protected].
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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