This post is a short Battle Report that quickly discusses playing Flint and Feather. It goes hand-in-hand with the article that I wrote for Bell of Lost Souls checking out the beauty of these miniatures! This After Action Report is based on a game that I played at Hotlead 2018.
Here, I played as the red based warband. My Companions (the two in the title image above) lead a group of four war-bearers and one stripling into battle. The stripling is a youth that we want to keep alive for the future of our tribe. The man with a spear is my primary champion and the one with white and black warpaint is my second Companion.

To start, we deployed our warbands. I set mine into two separate groups – one lead by each Companion. My opponent did the same thing with his troops.

The object of this battle was to survive, collect treasure (furs), and carry those furs off the board. Kind of similar to Frostgrave. The main rule book holds many more scenarios (including many featuring Raids, Ambushes, Pursuits and Rescues).
The First Engagement
My middle group ran fast to the first fur, while my left side group advanced and fired arrows at their enemies.

My opponent also rushed for the nearby treasure.

At the end of the first round, this is how the table looked. Our groups are fairly close together and the fighting will start soon!

At this point, my plan was to concentrate my attacks on the enemy group on my left. The enemy’s plan was to concentrate both of their groups on my middle group.

The Plan Goes Wrong (Horribly Wrong)!!!
As my center group made their way along their planned route, one of the guys got distracted with treasure! The other two pushed forward to engage the enemy. My bowmen caused no real damage. By the time my center guys got to the melee combat, the advantage heavily leaned towards my opponent.

Overall, I really enjoyed playing the game even though I lost. The miniatures are awesome. The scenery looks good and the rules are fun!
The Rules
Being that the full rule book is not out yet, I will keep this section brief. We also used the “Beta” rules so details may still be subject to change.
In this game, every miniature has a combat value. This combat value represents the model’s strength in battle and is the single stat that you have to worry about. That said, how your minis are armed and what they are carrying has an effect in the game.
You roll to activate and there is a benefit to keeping your forces together with a Champion or Great Warrior.
For battle, there is a card dynamic that comes into play. These cards outline what attack or defense move you will attempt to execute in battle. Companions and Great Warriors get to choose which to use and certain cards pair with different weapons better. Lower status warriors get their card drawn at random. These cards add an interesting “Rock, Paper, Scissors” dynamic to the game.

One thing that took some getting use to for me is the turn order. In this game, the active player activates a group, the opponent gets to react and then the player finishes their turn. In essence, the game goes “I start my turn, you have a limited chance to react, I complete my turn.” Then the opponent gets to activate for their turn and it goes “they act, I have a limited chance to react, they finish their turn.” The turns flip back and forth like this for the game. Not exactly an “I Go, You Go” sort of game. Once you catch on, it is easy, but it takes some getting use to. Exactly what your actions could be, I don’t 100% remember but it wasn’t too difficult. The format basically gives your opponent an opportunity to react to your actions.
Because you are rolling for activation, there is a chance that you will accidentally leave a guy behind and are unable to activate him again until you send a leader closer to him for motivation.
The campaign rules were not used in this demo. I am really looking forward to the release of their full rule set so we can see what the campaign rules entail. For those that know me, I really like games with campaign systems!!!
Wrapping it Up…
Overall, this was a really fun game with some great miniatures. If you haven’t checked out the line of miniatures or the game itself from Crucible Crush, be sure to look them up. Personally, I am really looking forward to checking out the full rules and already own a number of miniatures from the game.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
Update… If you like this article, be sure to check out our Hotlead 2018 wrap up article.
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Those minis doo look fantastic.
I aquired the Tribal ruleset a while back, and am intrigue by it – it covers a similar conflict typ as this. I havent had a chance to try it in practice yet, however. Ar you familiar with Tribal, and if so ow do you think the two compare?
I am not familiar with Tribal so unfortunately I cannot tell you how the compare.
Letting some flesh paint dry on my Flint and Feather Hurons and I came across this article. Great to hear that the official rule book could appear in August. There is a possibility that I’ll bring my warriors to play at KEGSCON in September.
That’s awesome!!! Have you been playing the Beta rules Kevin?
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