Today (October 3, 2018) marks the official release date for Flint and Feather by Crucible Crush. This post is the first in a series of articles showcasing the Huron / Wendat War Party painted by my friend Dave Lamers. This boxed set contains 14 Warriors of the Wendat Confederacy / Huron Warriors miniatures.
Crucible Crush made these figures for their historical skirmish game Flint and Feather, but could easily be used for Blood and Plunder, Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago or any number of other games.
If you have not seen the miniatures for Flint and Feather, they are gorgeous. I have a number of articles about the game on this site. Crucible Crush’s webstore carries pictures of what they have and these minis are also available through North Star Military Figures under the “Crucible Crush” link for my readers overseas.
The First Four
I figured I would start with the four miniatures wearing armour. Perhaps these are your leaders or your more established warriors from the Huron / Wendat War Party Boxed set.

The miniature that I think Dave did the best job on is the one with warpaint of a hand on his face.

My second favourite paint job is the man with the spear. I think I would use him as the leader of my group if these were my minis.

I find this miniature the most interesting design wise.

And the final warrior in today’s showcase.

And the back of that same miniature. Some nice details on these figures.

Wrapping it up…
This post is just a quick showcase of the first four miniatures from a fourteen miniature boxed set. In the pictures above, Crucible Crush made all of the miniatures, Dave Lamers painted them, and I pictured them on a Cigar Box Battle Mat. For those wondering, Dave does commission work.
As a note, most of my photography equipment has not yet come out yet since the move. Future pictures should look better. Sorry these ones are a little dark.
If you like what you see, be sure to check out Flint and Feather by Crucible Crush.

Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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Pingback: Flint and Feather Showcase: Huron Wendat Warband (Part 4 – Melee Warriors) - Must Contain Minis [MCM]