This post is a Convention Report of my experience at Hotlead 2018 (my favourite local gaming convention).
For those that do not know of Hotlead, this is an absolutely fantastic gaming event that took place in Stratford (Ontario, Canada). My connection to this event is special as it brought be back into Miniature Gaming after a long hiatus from the hobby. At the 2017 event, I ran a participation game of Frostgrave and went for a day. This year (2018), I went to all three days. I also went as a participant rather than as a Game Master. What a fantastic time I had!!!
If you are a dedicated reader of this site, you will have already seen a lot of Hotlead 2018 content. That said, this post has some new content, and compiles links to all the stories I wrote about Hotlead 2018 to a single page.
Game Tables
One of the awesome things about Hotlead is all the amazing tables. The most stunning of which this year, were the ones in the Lord of the Rings Tournament.

Outside of getting some awesome shots of the Hobbit tables, I also got a number of shots of some other cool tables.

Although I took a few pictures of the tables around, I spent most of my time trying out different games.
Article Round Up…
Below are a number of articles on Must Contain Minis related to Hotlead 2018. Hopefully you can find a few among them that interest you.

As you can see, I gave this event a ton of coverage because it is a fantastic event!
Wrapping it up…
If you haven’t been before, be sure to check the event out. Over 300 people attended Hotlead 2018 where more than 50 Game Masters ran participation games for many people. There is nothing better than being able to go to an event and try out a new game on a beautiful board. Best of all, all it cost me was the price of admission to the event.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
Ontario Conventions
Just a quick note… I started a page on this site as a resource to all Miniature Gamers and Miniature Convention Organizers in Ontario (Canada). This page is dedicated to listing all events that I know of the size of a small convention or larger in Ontario. My preference is for events full of demo and participation miniature games but all miniature gaming conventions are welcome. If you are running a large Warhammer tournament at an off-site venue, let us know. Likewise, if you are running a convention with a number of participation tables, let us know. In fact, if you are running a large Ontario based event focusing on the more “obscure” games, I will give you free advertising on this site.
Be sure to visit our new “Ontario Miniature Gaming Convention” page.
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