You are currently viewing Painting Miniatures Quickly with Incredible Cannon Fodder Miniatures by Wargames Atlantic and The Army Painter

Painting Miniatures Quickly with Incredible Cannon Fodder Miniatures by Wargames Atlantic and The Army Painter

In this post, I talk about painting miniatures quickly for my Sci-Fi Human Defense Force Army. So far, I have been using these miniatures for the game Grimdark Future by OnePage Rules. That said, the army is built so that it would work like a proxy Imperial Guard Army (aka an Astra Militarum Army) for Warhammer 40K.

The Miniatures I used for this Project

In this post, the figures I focus on fare the Death Fields Cannon Fodder miniatures by Wargames Atlantic. To paint them, I used paints exclusively by The Army Painter.

Let’s look at the boxes quickly before I jump right in and show you how I painted these miniatures up.

Cannon Fodder Painted Miniatures Review - How to paint miniatures and proxy guards

The parts within the Cannon Fodder and Cannon Fodder 2 miniatures are interchangeable. For more variety, I intermixed some of the parts on these minis from the two boxes.

If you are interested in the Cannon Fodder Minis, you can check their price on Amazon, go directly to Wargames Atlantic or check your favourite retailer.

Cannon Fodder 2 Painted Miniatures Review - How to paint miniatures and proxy guards

Now, let me tell you how I painted these miniatures up for my Imperial Guard / Human Defense Force Army.

Painting Miniatures Quickly to a Tabletop Standard with The Army Painter

Below are the paints I used for this project. The paints I used from The Army Painter are from an older line, but they still look fantastic! I hear that their newer paints are even better.

The paints I used for this project

Now, let’s go through each step quickly.

Step One – Prime Miniatures

To Start, I primed these miniatures white with a can of The Army Painter Matt White Spray Can Primer. Next up, I painted the base colours on the model.

Step Two – Lay Down the Base Colours

It is at this stage that I picked this project back up at. My attention shifts often, so I jump from project to project and often have many models on the go in various states of completeness.

This time, I picked back up my Cannon Figure miniatures and continued on with them. In this batch, I have 20 miniatures destined for two squads of 10 infantry squads.

Which project should I choose?  I know, I will finish painting up these Cannon Fodder miniatures by Wargames Atlantic

Again, I used an older paint line, and the newer lines of The Army Paints are better reviewed than the older ones I used in this post. Regardless, let’s carry on.

For the base colours in this step, I used the paints listed below.

  • Ash Grey (Helmets of one of the two squads)
  • Matt Black (The base)
  • Barbarian Flesh (Face and hands)
  • Fog Grey (Clothes)
  • Matt White (Shoes / boots and helmets of one of the two squads)
  • Gun Metal (the guns)
  • Pure Red (Hair)
How to paint miniatures quickly - step two - Base Colours

Step Three – Apply Shade

For this step I applied the shades. To start, I used Blue Tone over the Fog Grey parts of the minis. It looks fantastic! I really like how this blue turned out.

Painting miniatures quickly - step three - shade miniature

To give it a richer tone, I went over the models twice with each shade.

The second group gets their shade with The Army Painter

After painting the models, I moved on to the guns, helmets and feet.

After I shade the suits, I shade the guns, helmets and shoes

The Grey Helmets and Guns I used strong tone while the shoes received dark tone.

The miniatures are looking really good at this point

I gave the soldiers with white helmets a dark tone there instead of strong tone. Looking good so far!

Here you can see how the mini looks with a single layer of skin tone by The Army Painter, looks awesome!

To finish up, I painted the eyes and hands with Skin Tone.

Step 4 – Highlights

I skipped this step for these 20 miniatures standard infantry models, but I did not skip this step for the special weapons teams, commanders and veterans / command squad. More images of those miniatures further down in the article.

The Commander This figure has some highlights on it.

This figure I highlighted the metal hand, gun and white hat. The jump suit looks different on this miniature than the others because I used different shades for it. For this model’s blue suit above I base coated with Fog Grey, then placed a Dark Tone on it and added a Blue Tone after the dark on dried.

That is why this miniature’s suit appears to have a little more definition to it while my other minis are a little more vibrant. She is destined to be a commander in my Cannon Fodder forces.

Now, let’s take a quick look at how the 20 Guardsmen that I was working on most recently look.

The Completed Cannon Fodder Miniatures

Below is a showcase of miniatures that I painted in this batch of figures. Overall, I feel they turned out really well! Further down, you will see the specialist miniatures I mentioned earlier that I spent a little more time painting.

Painting miniatures quickly - A finished model
A second finished model
Back of the Wargames Atlantic miniature
The enemy is forward!!! Charge!
Another look at the miniature
Back of the figure

These miniatures look absolutely fantastic!!!! I am very happy with how they looked upon completion of the project.

To take the figures further, I should add a little more colour onto them. I am thinking that painting some red badges, or applying decals, on them would look great. Perhaps even putting a number on their backs as if they were some sort of “Vault Dweller” or from a specific platoon would look nice too!

Earlier Cannon Fodder Miniatures Painted using The Army Painter

The 20 miniatures I painted in this batch of figures is a part of a larger force. Many of the miniatures I painted earlier. If you follow my Instagram or my Facebook feeds, you may have already seen these pictures.

Other Wargames Atlantic Cannon Fodder miniatures I quickly painted

For those of you who have not seen these painted miniatures, let’s take a closer look!!!

As a note, I am using these figures for Grimdark Future by One Page Rules, but the miniatures could also serve as a proxy force similar to the Astra Militarum in games like Warhammer 40K.

A Veteran or Command Team Cannon Fodder Miniature

The figure above I gave a grey jumpsuit with blue kneecaps and a blue hat. I painted her different than the 10-member infantry squads to denote a different type of squad. The five miniatures I painted in this style I envision as part of a command squad or as a veteran soldier group.

Painting Miniatures quickly with The Army Painter Paints - Plasma Special Weapons Team

In One Page Rules, there are 3 soldier weapon specialist teams. I made three figures as plasma gun operators. They look fantastic. I used a different blue for the gun affect and gave them extra highlights through dry brushing to mimic a glowing gun look.

Back of the Plasma specialist weapons squad - OnePageRules

I also gave them backpacks too so that I had a reason to break up the blue of the model with some white with Dark Tone shading.

Painting Miniatures Quickly - Absolutely fantastic results on these Wargames Atlantic Cannon Fodder Miniatures with The Army Painter paints

The minis above are carrying the equivalent of a melta gun. I am super happy with how the highlights turned out on these miniatures. Wow! They turned out amazing!!!

If you enjoyed this close look at painted Cannon Fodder Miniatures by Wargames Atlantic, then please take a look at these posts below for related content.

Wrapping it up…

Thank you for checking out my most recent batch of painted miniatures by Wargames Atlantic. They make great miniatures at fantastic prices!

The Army Painter paints helped me make these figures look really great quickly. The paints I used are from their older line. There newer paints are even easier from what I have seen on the internet.

If you haven’t checked out The Army Painter, they are worth a look. Like Wargames Atlantic, they make great products at very affordable prices. These paints are very easy to find at many retail stores, and you can even check their prices on Amazon too!

Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!

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