Welcome to my Les Grognard Cavalry review. These miniatures are actually 3D printed models from MyMiniFactory. While these ones are 3D printed, Wargames Atlantic just announced that they will be bringing these miniatures to plastic too. That might be an interesting comparison post in the future.
Anyhow, let’s move on with this review of these cool 28mm miniatures that a friend printed off for my Human Defense Force army for Grimdark Future.

Printing off the Figures – Wargames Atlantic Digital Settings for This Print
I honestly don’t know too much about 3D printing at this time, but I do know that MyMiniFactory has a fantastic selection of miniatures to print and my buddy was willing to help out the site with some insight on the process.
Below are details on the settings and printer he used for these prints.
To print the figures off, he used a Creality Halot-One. He is pretty happy with this printer so far, and opens the files in Chitubox to prep for the print.

To actually print the figures, he used the settings below.

After a bit of a wait, he had a few miniatures ready to cure and clean.

Before he sent me the figures, he snapped a few photos of his own. Check out these figures fresh off the printer after they cured.

Those are some really cool looking minis. Let’s see how they look under my photo lamps.
Getting the Les Grognards Calvary Miniatures on my Hobby Desk
When my friend was done with the prints and sent them to me, the miniatures were not yet based. That was something I had to do. Regardless, I took a few pictures before basing them. The figures look pretty good. Check it out.

Yea. These miniatures look really cool. I was never really a huge fan of Rough Riders when I played Guards in Warhammer 40K, but these figures would certainly work as their proxies.
When I went to base the figures, I found they didn’t stand up very well on their own. To solve this issue, I used greenstuff to give their hooves more surface space to attach the model to the base. I then used gel super glue to attach the figures to the base. While the glue and green stuff set, I used bottles of The Army Painter paints to prop the figures up in an upright position.

Intermixed with the Cavalry figures, are some of the Les Grognards Ogres miniatures. These minaitures also come from MyMiniFactory’s collection of Wargames Atlantic STLs.
Images of the Completed Figures – Les Grognard Cavalry Review
Here are some close up shots of the figures once I got them firmly attached to their bases.

These are some nice Miniatures and a nice addition to my Human Defense Force Army for Grimdark Future by One Page Rules.

You can see the Cavalry miniatures at the top left of the photo above.
Wrapping it up…
MyMiniFactory and Wargames Atlantic continue to team up to bring us some cool miniatures. In this article, I reviewed their Les Grognards Cavalry miniatures as printed from their 3D supported files. Those files come with a lot of options, but I went with the pre-supported full figures for the ease of having them printed off.
Recently announced, these miniatures will be coming out in hard plastic kits too. It’s going to be exciting to see how these 3D printed figures compare to their plastic Cavalry figures when those plastic miniatures come out.
If you haven’t looked around MyMiniFactory for a while, go check them out. They have a MMF+ Program where you can get free STLs and discounts every month. Individual creators, like Wargames Atlantic, have programs called “tribes” where you can get new STLs for a low monthly fee as they are created.
Personally, I have tried the MMF+ Program and it would be suited for anyone who wants a tasting of different miniatures made by different creators. You get perhaps around 20 free STL miniatures (and sometimes miniature sets) a month through the program plus 10% off most things in the store. You can check that program out here.
Don’t forget to check out the Wargames Atlantic collection of STL files on MyMiniFactory. It blows my mind how much stuff they have there.
Finally, be sure to follow the Wargames Atlantic Legion Facebook group for all of the newest news and discussion about Wargames Atlantic. That is one of the places I get my news about the company.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!