In this post, I take a look at some recent deliveries from Firelock Games.
As you can see from the image above, one of those items is their ginormous Galleon. For scale purposes, I placed my Blood & Plunder Sloop along side it. That Galleon is huge!!! On top of the Galleon, they also sent a terrain piece and a number of miniatures. Special thanks goes out to them for supporting Must Contain Minis in this way.
I sent the Galleon away to Jeremy Cada of Forbes Hobbies to build and paint for me. In addition to running a game store, Jeremy also does commission painting. I really look forward to seeing what he does with that ship.
Update: August 3, 2019… I now have some Work-in-Progress shots of the Galleon being painted. The Blunder Monkey and the Native Warriors Unit are also now painted.
Now let’s look at the miniatures that Firelock Games sent along with the ship.
The Miniatures Sent
The Miniatures that they sent were their Native Warriors Unit. These guys are armed with clubs and prefer hitting quickly and retreating to the cover of the forest / jungle over fighting in ranged combat. I gave these miniatures to Andrew Claessens (also known as Painting Sith on Instagram) to paint for me. I haven’t had him paint for me before, but I have seen his work in the past and it is really good.
Andrew even sent me a progress shot of one of the minis already (middle image in the three below). It looks awesome so far!!!

I am really looking forward to seeing these guys when they are complete.
More Miniatures for the Painters
Being that both Jeremy Cada and Andrew Claessens were willing to paint up some miniatures for me, I figured I would try my luck with a few more. I also dropped off the female pirate and “Blunder Monkey” miniatures from the last Kickstarter I backed and a promotional Henry Morgan miniature given to me by a friend. Below are pictures of those unpainted minis.
Please note that I did not clean up these models as I did the miniatures above. This is how they came.

I am really looking forward to see how these minis look when they return from getting painted.
Wrapping it up…
Hopefully you enjoyed this quick post.
Special thanks goes out again to Firelock Games for sending me the Galleon and I am really looking forward to seeing the pieces when Jeremy Cada and Andrew Claessens are done with them. For more posts related to Jeremy’s store, Forbes Hobbies, be sure to check out their sponsorship page on this site. They have been very supportive of Must Contain Minis in both providing space to play games, paint and showcase miniatures, as well as in providing support by painting some of the miniatures on this site.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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