Today’s quick bonus post is about Firelock Games‘ BlunderMonkey. Now, I wrote about this monkey before, but today I actually have a well painted one to showcase. Andrew Claessens, who I met through Forbes Hobbies in Cambridge Ontario, painted this minaiture. For those wondering, he does do commission work, but can be selective with the projects he takes.
Now, let’s take a closer look at the Blood & Plunder BlunderMonkey.
This monkey does not seem to be currently available on the market. Instead, it came as a bonus figure from Firelock Games’ last Kickstarter project for Blood & Plunder (No Peace Beyond The Line).
During the Kickstarter, the model was described as follows…
This incredibly detailed replica of an actual Mayan Howler Monkey God statue from Copan, Honduras can be used as an objective marker for Blood & Plunder. It is an exclusive miniature from our No Peace Beyond the Line kickstarter that will never again be offered. It is not too late to pledge and take advantage of free exclusives. Just go to for more information. Enjoy! – This Text is from Firelock Games’ Facebook post.
The Unpainted Model
Below is how the concept art looked for the miniature. I like the direction the guys took as they did not want to make the miniature a fantasy character. Instead, they treated the object as a cool piece of scatter terrain (or as a possible game objective).

And how my model looked when I got it out on my hobby table…

As you can see, it can certainly use some paint. Now, let’s see how it looked once Andrew Claessens got the model back to me.
The BlunderMonkey as Painted by Andrew Claessens
Check out how well Andrew painted up Firelock Game’s BlunderMonkey. Just like the Native Warrior Unit that he painted up for me, he did a fantastic job. Check out how the detail on the statue just pops right off the model!

Overall, a fantastic job! I am very happy with the work on this model. If only my own work looked so good. 😉
Wrapping it up…
Special thanks goes out to Andrew for painting this Firelock Games’ BlunderMonkey for me. If you want to see more of his work, visit Painting_Sith on Instagram or check out his Painter’s Page on Must Contain Minis. You can also reach out to him for possible projects by email.
If you are local to my area, you could also likely hook up with Andrew (and other talented painters) by going to Forbes Hobbies and asking the owner about Commission Painting Services.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!