Crucible Crush Vietcong Miniatures Showcase
In this post, we look at some 28mm Vietcong Miniatures by Crucible Crush as painted by Dave Lamers. Crucible Crush makes these miniatures for their game Black Sun. Black Sun…
In this post, we look at some 28mm Vietcong Miniatures by Crucible Crush as painted by Dave Lamers. Crucible Crush makes these miniatures for their game Black Sun. Black Sun…
In today's post, I want to direct your attention to my new How to Paint Space Marines YouTube Video. I made this video as an adaptation of my already existing…
Well, we made it to the end of 2020 and are heading into 2021. What a challenging year 2020 has been. This year certainly went differently than I planned. I…
In this post, we take a quick look at three Canadian Miniatures Gaming Companies that make terrain and I do several terrain reviews. Specifically, I review and showcase terrain by…
Happy Holidays everyone!!! Today is Boxing Day, and where I live, the first day of complete lockdown. The lockdown is of course due to worries about COVID-19 and the attempts…
Merry Christmas everyone!!! 2020 has been a very rough year! This year for Christmas, I bought myself some stuff from Firelock Games. Not only did I buy myself a few…
Hey everyone. It seems like I have come down with a Holiday cold of some sort. As such, I have not had time to work on this website. Must Contain…
In this post, I share with you the news from two separate companies about Cyberpunk Red. R. Talsorian Games and Monster Fight Club Team up to announce a new miniatures…
In this post, I want to draw your attention to a painted Memoir 44 review that I just uploaded to YouTube. When I get together with non-miniatures gamers, and sometimes…
Hello from Must Contain Minis! It is hard to believe that December is already half over! It has been a very busy time for me. My work life continues to…
Looking to save money? Like RPGs? Humble Bundle is currently running a sale on PDF Pathfinder RPG books all relating to monsters. This is their Pathfinder: Monster Lore Deal. What…
In this post, we take a look at the Dutch Zeelieden for Blood & Plunder. These 28mm miniatures by Firelock Games are a little larger than other ranges, but they look great and…