Canadian Company Terrain Reviews

In this post, we take a quick look at three Canadian Miniatures Gaming Companies that make terrain and I do several terrain reviews. Specifically, I review and showcase terrain by…

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Off Sick

Hey everyone. It seems like I have come down with a Holiday cold of some sort. As such, I have not had time to work on this website. Must Contain…

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Memoir 44 – The Perfect Game for the Holidays

In this post, I want to draw your attention to a painted Memoir 44 review that I just uploaded to YouTube. When I get together with non-miniatures gamers, and sometimes…

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Dutch Zeelieden Miniatures Showcase

In this post, we take a look at the Dutch Zeelieden for Blood & Plunder. These 28mm miniatures by Firelock Games are a little larger than other ranges, but they look great and…

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