Hello from Must Contain Minis! It is hard to believe that December is already half over! It has been a very busy time for me. My work life continues to go very well, and I am very happy with the progress of Must Contain Minis.
In the background, I made a few changes to the site and improvements on the backend. This includes a new page highlighting companies that sent products to must Contain Minis for review or sponsorship purposes. I also changed the layout of the site a few times and had to deactivate plugins and change themes due to some technical problems.
Temporarily Scaling Back for Better Content
You may have noticed that my number of posts this month is down. Since July I continuously managed to put out 6 posts a week. In October, I added to that at least one YouTube video a week too. This is proving very taxing to my personal life. Must Contain Minis is a one person operation and this effort eats up a lot of time. I fear I have to scale it back for a little while to keep up with other aspects of my life.
For the next while, I plan to scale that back to 4 posts a week plus a YouTube video. One of those four posts will remain on Bell of Lost Souls for my normal weekly column about Indie and Historical related wargames. Those posts go live on Fridays at 5pm Central time.
Scaling back will accommodate my very busy life and to also help me have more hobby time, which will help with the content of this site. That said, there will be weeks (like this one) where I manage to get more than three posts published. As such, I plan to publish here Sunday night, Tuesday night and Thursday nights and aim to get bonus posts up Monday and Wednesday nights as I can.
Now, let’s talk about that Sponsors Page I mentioned earlier.
New Sponsors Page – “Highlighted Companies”
This week I published a new page detailing every company that sent Must Contain Minis products for review or sponsorship purposes since the start of this website. Originally I listed them in the menu at the top of this site. I ordered them based on the value of products they sent to the site. With 30 companies on that list, this practice became cumbersome.
To remedy this, I started a new page called “Highlighted Companies.” For now, I placed that in the “About Us” section of my menu structure, but I am thinking of moving it to a spot of its own.
I organized this new list alphabetically and placed asterisks beside companies that sent in a significant value of products for me to review or write about. From this page, you will be able to go to either the company’s website or to their category page on MCM. The category page for each company on this site lists all stories either about them, or that feature photographs with their products in use.
As a note, I have a separate page too detailing what to expect for companies interested in working with Must Contain Minis.
New Review Products
Over the past month, a few companies sent in some products for me to review and / or showcase. This includes GameCraft Miniatures, Gaddis Gaming and Things From the Basement.
GameCraft miniatures sent me a few MDF terrain kits and their Double Wide LED lamp. I am loving this LED lamp so much that it even made my Top 5 Christmas suggestions as item number one.

Gaddis Gaming sent me a small selection of their WW2 American airborne soldiers to look at. In response to this, I bought myself some Vellajo paints to paint the miniatures as a gift for myself. My wife will be giving me those paints as part of my Christmas present this year.
Does anyone else buy their own gifts for someone else to give them?
Meanwhile, Things From the Basement sent me some really interesting sounding MDF kits in advance of a Kickstarter that starts in January. Those kits are still in the mail, and I am really looking forward to checking them out!
Upcoming Posts and Videos!
There are so many upcoming posts and videos that I have planned. Lots to be excited about! I already have the visuals ready for three YouTube videos. Today I just finished posting a new video about a board game near and dear to my heart. I will be writing about that video in a future post.
As for written posts, I have a Wargames Atlantic review coming that I am very enthusiastic to share with you. I also plan to wrap up my Monster Scenery series of articles. There is more planned too, but that is all I am sharing for now.
Highlighted Posts from November 2020
Below are some of the posts that are worth a second look from this past month.

Highlighted Videos from November 2020
Below are two videos that I made for YouTube. If you haven’t watched them yet, give them a view. I am particularly proud of the Frostgrave Knights review.
Wrapping it up…
Thank you for reading through this month’s newsletter. Lots of changes came to the site this past month and I continue to improve things as much as I can. While I up the quality, I may have to slow down the posts for a little while, but there is tons of great stuff coming.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!