Welcome to this Frostgrave Knights Review where I look at the new 28mm miniatures by North Star Military Figures. North Star partnered with Osprey Games to bring use these miniatures for an excellent gaming system.
In this review, you will see pictures of the sprues, photos of the built miniatures, and a scale comparison image. I also added a kitbashing photo too. At the end of the article, I embedded a YouTube video where I review the figures in a narrated slideshow. That video contains many more photos of those miniatures on top of what is in this review. As such, be sure to watch that video too.
As a note, these are 28mm miniatures. Also, these are not the traditional knights you might expect from other wargames. Instead, these are parts to assemble all of the elite soldier types in Frostgrave.
Disclaimer: North Star Military Figures sent me this box of 28mm Frostgrave Knights for review. While I accept review products, I am in no other way compensated for my posts and reserve the right to give positive and negative reviews.
Now, let’s get into my Frostgrave Knights Review.
The Box
First up, we take a look at the packaging. The artwork is fantastic and the back of the box gives you an idea of how the minis look once painted.

The box doesn’t show the contents, so let’s open it up and see what is in there.
Unboxing the Frostgrave Knights Miniatures Set
Inside of the box, you find two plastic frames and 10 bases. This gives you enough parts with 10 miniatures and lots of left over pieces for your bits box. My set was missing bases, but that is okay. I have tons of 25mm rounds sitting around, so I used them.
Here is the sprue. You get two of these in the box.

Each sprue has 5 bodies and 22 heads on it. They also have tons of weapon options. Once I put together my first five minis (using only what is in the Frostgrave Knights box set), I have many bits left.

Showcase of Built Miniatures
These miniatures went together pretty well and I had fun building them. I did my best to resist the urge to kitbash and worked with the goal to use only what was on the sprues to make the 10 miniatures. I then saved the left over pieces for my bits box.
Using this kit, I built two sets of five miniatures. One set as a Barbarian themed group of elite warriors and the other as a Cultist themed band. The cultists came out looking more like cutthroats and scoundrels. That is still good!
Let’s take a closer look starting with the Barbarians. Again, this is using only the parts in the Frostgrave Knights box set.

Moving along, lets look at the minis I intended for use with my Cultists’ warband.

Overall, some really great looking minis! I think these look a lot better than the original Frostgrave Soldiers set, which is good because they are the elite warriors of the frozen city.
Kitbashing Opportunities
As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of pieces in this boxed set that you could kit bash with. One of the notable items that you get is a number of swords in sheaths. Those are handy.
Body wise, they should fit-in with everything so far in the regular Frostgrave series aside from the Gnolls. That said, these arms and bodies are much more heavily armoured than the other sets. That may bother some people.
That didn’t stop Codex Araden though. This guy is always kitbashing! If you like kitbashing, this guy’s facebook page is something you should be following.

The Warrior on the left has a Viking-Head from the Frostgrave Knights set on a Barbarian body with a great axe. The one in the middle was built to represent a D&D Cleric. He has a sturdy looking mace and round shield from the Oathmark Dwarf kit. Finally, the guy on the far right is an Oathmark Elf with converted arms holding blades from the Frostgrave Knights set.
Codex Araden stated to me that he likes the Knight kit, but he wanted to tweak it. And he did. Tweaking and kitbashing is his thing.
The Video Review
Here is my YouTube Frostgrave Knights review. I think this narrated video slideshow is my best one so far, so please give it a watch and subscribe to the channel.
Wrapping it up…
Thank you for joining me in my Frostgrave Knights review. These are some really cool miniatures. I hope that you enjoyed the review.
Special thanks goes out to North Star Military Figures for sending these miniatures to me for review.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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