Happy Holidays everyone!!! Today is Boxing Day, and where I live, the first day of complete lockdown. The lockdown is of course due to worries about COVID-19 and the attempts of my province to keep the virus under control. As such, I won’t be getting out much to visit friends or even to pick up supplies for my hobby work.
Lucky for me, Mrs. Must Contain Minis has me covered! For Christmas this year she got me a whole bunch of paints and an expansion book to Oathmark by Osprey Games.
For paints, she bought me some Citadel Paints to add to what I got in my Space Marines Assault Intercessors + Paints Set. Specifically, I got two pots of Abaddon Black (which I plan to use as brush-on-primer) and a pot of Astrogranite. She also got me some Army Painter metallic paints to replenish some of my existing supply.
To wrap up the paints, Mrs. Must Contain Minis bought me many Vallejo paints. My goal is to use these to paint up some WW2 American Paratroopers for Bolt Action. How cool is that! I hope I can use some of my Vallejo paints to paint WW1 German and American soldiers too.
Does anyone have a painting guide for those WW1 armies? This would be especially be useful if it concentrates on the Vallejo brand, but Army Painter Paints are easy for me to obtain too. I could really use the help.
If you do, please leave a comment in the comments section below.
Finally, She bought me Oathmark: Oathbreakers. This supplement to Oathmark allows you to bring Necromancers into the game. Ever since I got the original rules, I really wanted to see how the game would handle the undead. Now I know. I plan to give the expansion some coverage in future posts.
Wrapping it up…
What a great Christmas I had gifts wise. With this set of gifts along with the stuff I bought from Firelock Games this year, I did really well on my Christmas haul. This will give me plenty of project to pre-occupy myself with during the next 28-days for Ontario’s COVID-19 lockdown.
So how about you? How have your holidays been this year? Did you get anything exciting for Christmas this year? Are you in lockdown where you live? If so, how are you dealing with it?
Again, I would like to wish you Happy Holidays, and…
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!