Today I registered for the Lords of War Frostgrave Campaign Day taking place this Sunday near Toronto. I currently have 24 miniatures on my painting table left to complete for my warband. I am painting 24 because I want options for what to play in my list as the campaign progresses. Unfortunately, my wife has other plans for me this Friday and Saturday besides painting miniatures, so I am really going to have to hustle to get my work done in time for the tournament day. Below are some pictures of the work that I have completed.
I am really happy with how this skeleton turned out. He could be an Armoured Skeleton within my warband if I were playing Thaw of the Lich Lord. Instead we are going through The Hunt for the Golem campaign so this figure will serve as one of my wandering monsters. |
A shot of the same figure from the back. I constructed him using parts out of the North Star Miniatures Cultist Box, which I bought from J&M Miniatures. I really like this box set and the miniatures that I have made from it are all fantastic! |
Beside the Armoured Skeleton is a Regular Skeleton also built from the Cultist box set. |
If I find time, I still need to clean this Skeleton up a little bit. I plan to use him at the Tournament Day as a Medium Construct for my Warband. |
These two Skeletons are made by Mantic Games and also purchased from J&M Miniatures. I plan to use them as Small Constructs. |
My final Frostgrave Miniature for today is a Blood Crow made from a Reaper Bones Cloak Beast. |
It is crunch time, so I have a lot of painting left to do. Here is hoping that I will be bringing my Cultist list to the tournament rather than my Dwarfs, whom I posted about earlier.
To end this post, I wanted to show off what I won from last Weekend’s Flames of War tournament at Phoenix Games. My prizes included a Special Flames of War Blister as a Door Prize and Store Credit for having the army Voted as Best Painted. See the pictures below for what I came home with.
This Special Blister Pack includes a Transport Vehicle and the German figures with googles. I plan to do something sci-fi or pulpy with them in Late War. |
These figures are by Reaper Miniatures (in their Warlord line) and will be used as Crossbowmen and Marksmen for Frostgrave. |
This woman is also by Reaper and found in their Pathfinder line. I could see using her as a Thief in Frostgrave, but she is also dressed in such a fashion that I might get away with using her in a Modern or Near-Modern game. |
This figure is an old Games Workshop Mounted Wraith. |
Perhaps this will eventually be used in Frostgrave if future expansions introduce mounts. |
This figure is from Mantic Games. He is Mhorgoth the Faceless, an extremely powerful Necromancer. Having this guy makes me wish that I kept my Kings of War Undead Army instead of selling it. Oh well. I can see this figure getting some good use in Frostgrave and maybe a future Undead Army. 🙂 |
I am very excited about this upcoming Tournament. I have never played Frostgrave before and I have not committed all of the rules to memory, so I am hoping either for some serious beginners luck or many votes for the best themed army. We will see how it goes and you can expect a small report of the day up here in the near future.
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