August – Must Contain Minis Newsletter
This newsletter is a new monthly type of post that I plan to give a try here on Must Contain Minis. In this post, I talk about my website and…
Here we have all of our Reviews, Showcases and Battle Reports. The primary focus of the site.
This newsletter is a new monthly type of post that I plan to give a try here on Must Contain Minis. In this post, I talk about my website and…
This post is a TTCombat MDF Intermodal Containers Review. These are scaled for 28mm to 32mm gaming. Looking at terrain by TTCombat is something that I wanted to do ever…
When I think of Six Squared Studios, I think of quality resin scatter terrain at very affordable prices. That said, the company actually makes most of its money off of…
Dave Lamers is at it again. He is painting up a bunch of miniatures. This time it is a bunch of miniature for a quick Frostgrave showcase. Some of them…
Frostgrave Pre-Orders are up and Frostgrave Second Edition sets to release for August 20th, 2020. Osprey Games shared a few teases about what to expect and I really want to…
Plastic Frostgrave Knights are soon coming with the release of Frostgrave second edition. You can use these new plastic Knights to make up all of the special hirelings including Templars,…
New Warhammer 40K Starter Sets are on their way!!! I missed Indomitus, but I hoped for something like this. GW just announced the upcoming release of three new starter sets…
Firelock Games served up some Blood & Plunder News this weekend at the Cyber Wars virtual gaming convention. Among the news was plenty about both Oak & Iron and Blood…
Recently a friend of mine painted up a WizKids Beholder miniature. In this showcase, we showcase that miniature as painted by Dave Lamers. He also provided me with the pictures…
In this post, I discuss the last few modules of my HobbyZone Modular Workshop System. For the sake of simplicity, I am going to call it my HobbyZone Workstation for…
This week Crucible Crush announced the arrival of their Black Sun rule books. The company is now preparing orders and taking sales for their Black Sun Miniatures Game. Personally, I…
In this post, I review the Landing Craft by Sarissa Precision for Bolt Action. This boat is also sold by Warlord Games for their 28mm WW2 miniatures game - Bolt…