Okay, this post is a little late, but I am clearing up my backlog. In this post, we round up all of my articles from Hotlead 2019 and bring them to one page so you can find them easier. For those that don’t know, Hotlead is a yearly gaming convention in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. Of the conventions I’ve been to, it remains my favourite.
Sadly, this convention could not run in 2020 due to COVID-19 concerns. That said, the organizers already set the date for 2021. Those dates are March 19, 20 and 21. If you haven’t already, check out their convention page and the Ontario Miniature Gaming Convention Page for updates on local Ontario based events.
With that all out of the way, let’s gather up the articles from Hotlead 2019 to this one spot.
Hotlead Articles
Here we have collected all of our articles from Hotlead 2019 to one spot for easy reference. All of the images below act as buttons that will take you to the desired articles.

Advice for demo and participation games

Middle Earth: Strategy Battle Game

A Song of Ice and Fire

Cthulhu Related

Wrapping it up…
The stories above wrap together all of the articles that I wrote related to Hotlead 2019. Unfortunately, Hotlead 2020 had to be cancelled due to a global health pandemic. That said, we are really looking forward to Hotlead 2021.
For those unaware of the event, its big draws for me are the large bring and buy tables, friendly vendors and plethora of participation games.
Although this year has been very bad for conventions, we still maintain the Ontario Miniatures Gaming Convention page on this site. I have not updated it yet, but it looks like one of the conventions in the fall will be going virtual. I will put up more news on that as things get solidified and verified.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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