In this post, I discuss the games I ran of Frostgrave at Hotlead 2019.
I really like to run games at conventions. For this convention season, I ran two simultaneous games of Frostgrave at three separate conventions. Those games all went well and this is my first report of those outings. To see the reasoning behind why I chose to run two simultaneous games at once (instead of one big game), please see my post about looking to the past to move forward.
For those that don’t know, Hotlead is one of my favourite gaming events. It is local to me and often draws in over 300 gamers per weekend. This year they celebrated their 25th year of running the event and I had a great time. To celebrate, they gave out some great miniatures of a WW2 British Soldier drinking tea by Pulp Figures.

On top of the free figure, the Hotlead crew also gave out cake and ran a fantastic event. Thanks goes out to the organizers.
I must admit though, that I went a little bit off topic. Now let’s get back to Frostgrave.
Frostgrave at Hotlead 2019
Circling back to Frostgrave at Hotlead 2019, one of the things that I love about Osprey Games is that their games are miniatures agnostic. You can use whatever miniatures you want. That means that I can pull out my entire collection of miniatures and bring out a little bit of everything. It certainly makes it easier to get a table ready for convention gaming. It also gives me an opportunity to showcase products sent in to me by various companies to the public.

The terrain on the table to the left is homemade. The terrain on the right is all by XOLK. The gaming mat is by Cigar Box Battle. All great stuff. The miniatures in this demo game come from many sources. I have miniatures by RAFM, Reaper Miniatures, North Star Military Figures and a few other companies too.
Running two games went very well. The group at one table knew the rules and were fairly self sufficient. They got in two full games with leveling up in-between during my allotted time. I found that very satisfying.
The fact that they didn’t need too much attention allowed me to concentrate on the two newer players. Feedback after the games was very positive and I enjoyed my time too.
Frostgrave Pictures
Being that I ran the games, I could not take enough pictures to generate a coherent story for a full Battle Report. That said, I still wanted to share some pictures from the event.
The scenario that I ran on both tables was the Abandoned Workshop from The Wizards Conclave expansion.
Table One

Table Two
The second table featured some homemade terrain borrowed from a friend. I am not sure if he made it himself or bought it off the used market. Regardless, it is nice and fit the table well.

Wrapping it up…
Hopefully you enjoyed this Demo Game Report of Frostgrave at Hotlead 2019. It was a lot of fun and I always like getting new and experienced players alike at the gaming table.

Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
For more Hotlead 2019 articles, be sure to check out my Article Round Up Page for the event.
Hi Jacob! It seems you ran some pretty cool Frostgrave games. I’m sure everyone involved had a lot of fun. The table, as usual, looks gorgeous.
The cigar box mat is very nice! I was in the US some months ago and considered buying one, but two things conspired against it: they are expensive and there are too many options, so I couldn’t decide which one to buy to get the most bang for the buck (i.e. “how many settings and games will I be able to use this mat for?”). In the end I didn’t buy any, and now I regret it…
Thanks for the comment Andres. Often I wished I lived in the States so I could pick up better deals on the minis and related products. As far as Cigar Box Battle Mats, I find them competitively priced, but the shipping kills a lot of that advantage. It costs a fair bit to get them to Canada. That said, I love them. The problem with them having too much selection is only going to get worse. Keep tuned. 😉
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