This “A Song of Ice and Fire Battle Report” was a year in the coming. Last March I actually gave A Song of Ice and Fire a try and enjoyed the game. Personally, I feel it plays a bit like a large mass combat board game with miniatures, but it is enjoyable. More so than Runewars for sure. So sit back and relax, I hope you enjoy this A Song of Ice and Fire Battle Report.
I played A Song of Ice and Fire for my first time at Hotlead 2019. Derek and Lauren Hall ran the A Song of Ice and Fire demo games there as a Husband and Wife team.
Now, let’s get into the Battle Report.
Setting the Table…
When I got to the table I was given the choice of playing as the Lannisters or the Starks. I took the Lannisters.

I pulled up to the gaming table on the left and had the army below to work with.

Some Eye Candy
The miniatures for A Song of Ice and Fire look great. Check out this unit lead by The Mountain on my side of the table.

The Battle…
To start, I moved up my forces up aggressively while keeping my cavalry a little back. The idea was that once my main lines got close to the enemy that my cavalry would bust through and start taking out enemies in close coordination to the main force.

More Eye Candy…
At this point, I took a few more close up pictures. These are nice miniatures for sure.

Back to the Battle…
The time arrives and I unleash my Cavalry to devastating effect.

Some More Game of Throne Miniatures Eye Candy

Back to the Ice and Fire Battle Report
At this point, things seem really in the Lannisters’ favour. A group of Lannister Spearmen make advances towards some Stark Infantry. The Starks outmaneuver the Lannisters and hit them on their flank.

The Mountain’s unit takes out the Dire Wolf. The Starks’ mounted unit then takes out what is left of the Mountain’s men. In desperation, I rush my Cavalry into the Full strength unit of Stark Infantry. The Cavalry hits hard!

The Lannister’s strike back and below is the final picture of the game. You can see that the Lannisters are in slightly better shape, but I am not so sure that they would win if they continued.

Wrapping it up…
Hopefully you enjoyed this battle report of the first time that I played A Song of Ice and Fire. Overall, I really enjoyed the game, and find that it has a board game type feel.
Again, I played this at Hotlead 2019 at one of the participation game tables. The event runs again this year March 20 to 22 in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. I will be there.
For more Hotlead 2019 articles, be sure to check out my Article Round Up Page for the event.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
If you liked this post, be sure to check out my Showcase post showing off the work of Derek and Lauren Hall.
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