Hypatia Battlefleet Review on YouTube
In this post, I want to very quickly let you know that my Hypatia Battlefleet review for Dystopian Wars is now on YouTube. I embedded it below so you can…
In this post, I want to very quickly let you know that my Hypatia Battlefleet review for Dystopian Wars is now on YouTube. I embedded it below so you can…
Just this past week Osprey Games officially released The Silver Bayonet. I have not yet read the rules enough to form an opinion or offer feedback about the book, but…
OnTableTop just started the Global Gunslinger League this week. They set up the Global Gunslinger League as a slow grow world wide campaign to celebrate the new two player starter…
Today we take a moment of silence to remember and honour those who fought for us. This includes our veterans and troops of today and Yesterday. In this post, I…
In this post, I discuss with you my thoughts on Bolt Action's newest campaign book called "Italy: Soft Underbelly." This brand new book is out now and covers the battles…
In this quick article, I bring to you some news from Firelock Games. They keep expanding their game Blood & Plunder. This time, with a new expansion book and new…
It has been a while since I last wrote about RM Printable Terrain and Miniatures or My Mini Factory, but they are at it again. RM Printable Terrain and Miniatures…
Recently I took a look at some terrain from an upcoming Kickstarter called The GRID 3D Modular Terrain - Modern/Future Set. Raybox Games sent me this sample collection for the…
Looking for some deals? Wayland Games starts Black Friday early this 2021. That's right, their Black Friday sale is actually already underway right now. You can check it out right…
Have you seen the new Conquest Apex Predator?! For a long time, I knew about Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. The miniatures always looked neat to me, but they…
In my latest YouTube video I have fun with some Frostgrave Demon Miniatures in honor of Halloween. These miniatures were all made by North Star Military Figures and used for…
On this Halloween Evening, I figured I would share with you the Jorogumo Spider Queen painted by my friend Dave. This miniature for Shadows of Brimstone: Forbidden Fortress is an…