Here we have all of our Reviews, Showcases and Battle Reports. The primary focus of the site.

1200 Point Bolt Action Battle Report – British Army vs Fallschirmjager

This week, I got a game of Bolt Action in at my favourite local gaming store (Forbes Hobbies). My opponent for the week was Roy. There are a few things…

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Convention Battle Report – A Fistful of Kung Fu (6 Players)

Gather around my dear readers and I will tell you a tale. A tale of my first true miniatures game that I ran at a Convention. Now, I have run…

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A Fistful of Kung Fu Article and Detail Round Up for 2016 Convention Game

As many of my readers will know, I have been writing a series of articles reviewing the figures that I will be using for Saturday's A Fistful of Kung Fu…

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