In this post, we take a look at more character models of the Lannister Family from A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game. Ullr’s Table painted these miniatures for a client, and I got pictures of them once Rob completed them. In this post, we take a look at Tywin Lannister, two miniatures of Sandor Celgane (the Hound), and one of Gregor Clegane (the Mountain) Mounted.
Now, let’s take a closer look.
Gregor Clegane (The Mountain) Mounted
Gregor Clegane is an imposing man of size and strength. What could make him more fearsome? How about put him in armour on the back of a horse. BTW… That full-sized warhorse looks like a pony under the Mountain.

Sandor Clegane
Sandor Clegane is also known as the hound. He is known as a mean and violent man. He serves as Prince Joffrey Baratheon’s body guard and is a fairly unsavory character.

You can find this miniature in the Lannister Heroes #1 boxed set.
Sandor Clegane (Alternative Sculpt)
This is the alternative sculpt of the Hound was a Kickstarter Exclusive that came with the Lannister Crossbowmen pack.

Tywin Lannister
Here we have the patriarch of the Lannister Family. This miniature is my favourite in today’s showcase.

You can find this miniature in the Lannister Heroes #1 boxed set.
Wrapping it up…
Hopefully you enjoyed this quick look of more Lannister Family Minaitures from A Song of Ice and Fire by CMON Games (as painted by Ullr’s Table). I pictured these miniatures on a Cigar Box Battle Mat.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
If you like this post, be sure to check out my Game of Thrones Article Round Up or my earlier Lannister Miniatures Article Round Up…

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Pingback: Lannister Miniatures Showcase – Part Four – A Song of Ice and Fire - Must Contain Minis [MCM]
Where did you acquire the Mountain on Horseback figure?
I think it was part of the original Kickstarter pledge levels.
Pingback: Lannister Miniatures Showcase – Round Up – A Song of Ice and Fire - Must Contain Minis [MCM]