From June to August, I sold my old house and moved into a new one. This has caused a bit of a disruption to the posts on this site. It also bit a little bit into my time for reviewing new products. During that time, I had a few items shipped to me and I wanted to make sure that I mentioned on the site. If you see anything in particular that you would like me to get to sooner than later, please leave a comment in the comments section below.
Recent Deliveries
My most recent received deliveries consist of a number of Osprey Books, my Blood and Plunder Kickstarter Rewards, the new Flint and Feather Rulebook, and a Cigar Box Battle Mat.
The Osprey Books include Konflikt ’47 Defiance, Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse, Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago: Gods of Fire, Dracula’s America: Forbidden Power, and Bolt Action: Campaign: The Western Desert.
That is a fairly big list of books to read through. I will be taking a closer look at Bolt Action: Campaign: The Western Desert next, and will be taking more than a flip-through of all of the other books.

For Dracula’s America, I have a friend with suitable minis for the game. I took a good look through Forbidden Power and lent him the books for now. I am hoping that after he familiarizes himself with the rules that we can get in a few games and make some related content for the website.

Flint and Feather by Crucible Crush looks like a really exciting game. I will need some time to read through the book, but I do have some Showcase articles coming for more of their miniatures. This time painted by my friend Dave Lamers who also does commission painting work.

I also received a Mat from Cigar Box Battle’s latest Kickstarter. For this one, I choose the Muddy Barren Mat – It is pictured behind the books in the images above.
Wrapping it up…
This post is just a quick piece to let people know what deliveries have come into Must Contain Minis lately and I hope to give these items more coverage in the future. If you want me to prioritize one item over the others, please let me know in the comments below. Special thanks goes out to Osprey Games, Cigar Box Battle and Crucible Crush for sending review products.
If you have some products that you would like me to take a look at on Must Contain Minis, please email me at [email protected].
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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