In our previous Wildlands’ Showcase Article, we took a look at the miniatures of the Guild. In this post, we take a look at my favourite looking faction for Osprey Games‘ first miniatures Board Game (the Gnomads in Wildlands).
Right off the top, I want to say that these miniatures exceed my expectations. The fact that they pre-washed the miniatures in ink means that they look great right out of the box. When you look at these pictures, keep in mind that this is how they look straight out of the box without putting in any work.
The faction name “Gnomads” is a play of words in a way. These characters are a group of travelling gnomes that make their home in roving bands of blacksmiths and tinkerers. They focus on technology and have access to many powerful ranged weapons.
As with my article about the Guild, I placed scale comparison photos of the miniatures at the end of the article.
For the sake of full disclosure, Osprey Games sent MCM a copy of Wildlands and The Unquiet Dead Expansion. Thank you very much for sending this along.
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The Gnomads
The Gnomads have access to more ranged attacks, and powerful ranged attacks than the other factions. Their defensive abilities are not as good as the other factions, but they are fast. Now, let’s take a closer look at the members of this group.
Automate is a straight up automation built by Elsie. He is good at ranged attacks and rallying others to move with him.

Elsie is good at melee attacks, shooting and rallying others to move with him.

This is Shiv. He is good at shooting and has the best chances at defense in the entire group.

This guy I like a lot. I think he is a very cool looking miniature. Ginauld is the groups’ best melee fighter.

Tak is the final miniature in the Gnomads that come in the base game box of Wildlands – The Board Game. She is an expert with firearms and has the best chances to cause heavy damage through ranged attacks.

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Wildlands Miniatures Scale Comparison: The Guild
As one might guess, these miniatures are short in stature. They are Gnomes, after-all. Let’s look at how they measure up to miniatures by other companies.

Wrapping it up…
Thanks again goes out to Osprey Games. Wildlands happened to be on my Christmas Wish List and I am so happy that they sent me a copy.
Not sure about you, but I could envision these miniatures being used as alternative figures in Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago and Dracula’s America.
Personally, I think this is a really cool looking faction. I like the steam-punk type of feel that Osprey gave them. It will be interesting to see how they actually play in the game. They specialize in ranged attacks and faster movement than the other groups.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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