Review of Cyberpunk Red Miniatures by Monster Fight Club

In this Review, I take a look at the Monster Crew Miniatures Set by Monster Fight Club. These Cyberpunk Red miniatures are great for miniatures games and Role Playing Games.…

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LED Lamp for Miniature Painting & Photography

In this post, I review an excellent LED Lamp for Miniature Painting and Photography. GameCraft Miniatures sent me this product for review on this website. If you haven't seen this…

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Review of 28mm Wargames Atlantic Skeleton Warriors

In this post, I review the 28mm Skeleton Warriors miniatures by Wargames Atlantic. If you haven't heard of Wargames Atlantic, they make great quality miniatures in hard plastic at very…

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Canadian Company Terrain Reviews

In this post, we take a quick look at three Canadian Miniatures Gaming Companies that make terrain and I do several terrain reviews. Specifically, I review and showcase terrain by…

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Memoir 44 – The Perfect Game for the Holidays

In this post, I want to draw your attention to a painted Memoir 44 review that I just uploaded to YouTube. When I get together with non-miniatures gamers, and sometimes…

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