Remember Gaming Conventions? I sure do, and I miss them. Often you could find me at conventions local to Ontario. I loved hosting games, trying new products and buying from local vendors. Many of those vendors list on the Canadian Miniatures Gaming Companies Page, but it is not the same.
I really miss that human interaction from these events that COVID-19 stopped. The one I reflect back on today is Broadsword 8 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada by the Hamilton Tabletop Gaming Society. Barnaby Ore runs a really great group there.
In this post, I share links to previous articles and also share some new photos. For those interested in listening to a podcast, I will share a link to a Podcast at the end of the article. In that podcast, Barnaby Ore talks about how Historical Miniatures Gaming is not dying in his club in Hamilton. This post wraps up my coverage of the event.
Now, let’s start with some table pictures from Broadsword 8.
Game Table Pictures from Broadsword 8
Here are just some of the tables that I got pictures of at Broadsword 8.

All of these tables from broadsword 8 certainly have me missing gaming.
Below are some links to articles I wrote related to the event.
Broadsword 8 Articles
Here is a list of the articles that I wrote related to the event.
- Demoing Frostgrave – Tips, Tricks and Thoughts
- Showcase: Gundam Style Toy Mechs
- Samurai Robots Battle Royale Battle Report
- Showcase: Painted Dracula’s America
- Carniverse Battle Report
If any of them catch your eye, be sure to give them a read too.
Wrapping it up…
I don’t know about you, but this walk down memory lane has me really missing miniature gaming in general. I have not played a game since our first lock down started back in March. That is the year of 2020 and the world of COVID-19. No gaming, no spending lots of time with friends at conventions. That said, I am getting more time to build models and produce content for the web.
Despite all of the challenges this year, the Hamilton Tabletop Gaming Society is thriving on Facebook and Barnaby even went on Anything But a One to talk about Youth in Gaming. That was a very interesting listen.
This article concludes my coverage of Broadsword 8 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!