Giant Gundam type robots duke it out in this game of Samurai Robots Battle Royale. Ganesha Games writes this rule set and it is in line spirit wise with Song of Blades and Heroes. The biggest difference is that Samurai Robots Battle Royale treats each part of your robot (Head, Torso, Arms, and Legs) like a separate miniature in Song of of Blades of Heroes.

The purpose of this post is not to go over the rules. Instead, it is to tell a quick narrative story, and to show off a cool gaming table.

Broadsword 8
A long time ago, gamers were allowed to go to these events called conventions. There Game Masters hosted players to all sorts of participation games. The story in this post stems from one of those events. Specifically Broadsword 8 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
I certainly hope to see the return of the convention scene after this whole COVID thing gets wrapped up. For now, I am happy safe in my home and catching up on my backlog.

The Hunt
At this table, each player controlled two to three mechs. Our objective, to find a famous mech pilot and keep him safe. We played two players a side. Our side had just four mechs because ours were better than our opponents. The opponent brought one or two giant robots to this battle.

Where is my help?

Lending a Helping Hand

Circling in on the Action
With the pilot found, all of the Samurai Robots started to close in to the center of the table.

And the Game Closes
Unfortunately we ran out of time at this point in the battle. It happens. We thanked our opponents for the fun game and helped the organizer put away his belongings. Who would have won? Good question. These robots are all very tough but my opponent was down one hard hitting mech.
Wrapping it up…
Thank you for joining me in this Samurai Robots Battle Royale Battle Report. Overall, it was a lot of fun.
Other articles from the Broadsword 8 convention include…
- Tips on Demoing Games at Conventions – Frostgrave Focus
- A Carniverse Battle Report
- Painted Showcase of Dracula’s America
Make sure you check some of those out.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
Nice table! I need play Samurai Robots/Mighty Monsters more often.
Where are the little red buildings from?
Hi Marc, those are from Brigade Models UK’s 6mm sci fi desert range. It’s not the complete set, others are getting painted up more sand desert-y.
Pingback: Showcase: Gundam Style Toy Mechs - Must Contain Minis