Have you seen this!!! Our friends at Osprey Games are giving away their Core Frostgrave Rules for free!!! How Cool is that!!!
Now, Frostgrave is a game that I absolutely love and wrote a lot of content for here on Must Contain Minis. In fact, I have an entire section of this website dedicated to Frostgrave. That section currently has 85 articles and counting!!!
One of my Favourite Games!!!
Ever since the first time that I played Frostgrave, it became one of my favourites! There is just something about simple combat and RPG elements between games that I love!

Why Not Give it a Try?
Now that this game is free, you can give it a try too if you haven’t already. Just go to the osprey site’s blog to get the links you need. There you can get electronic copies of the core rules (MCM Review) and Dark Alchemy (MCM Review) for free with the code FGV2020. They also have a section of another book available for free, which gives you rules for solo play.
If you are stuck in isolation and have a bunch of miniatures around, perhaps a solo game of Frostgrave is exactly what the doctor ordered. 🙂
As a note, when I went to the Osprey Site, it was not immediately clear for me where to enter the coupon code. Once you have all of your items in your check out cart, go to “My Basket” at the top right of the screen. There you will see the area to put in your coupon code to get the Frostgrave Rules for free.
Wrapping it up…
The purpose of this post is simply to let me readers know about the Frostgrave rules being offered up for free. Now, these are the first edition rules. There is a second edition coming with the anticipated release date of July 2020. I read that the expansions and supplements for the first edition will also be usable in the second edition.
That said, if you don’t have these rules already, use that coupon code and get them for free!!!
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
This is very good news and ideal for the coronavirus crisis! I already own all of these books, but this is a nice move by Osprey.
They have released more too that I have not wrote about. 5 free e-books a week from Osprey Publishing for the next few weeks plus solo rules for their newest blue series book, Zona Alfa.
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