In this post, I review a ruined building by Six Squared Studios. This building, in particular, I believe is a prototype and 3D printed by the company. It is not available on the internet yet; however, I do believe you can get this item if you see them in person at a convention.
One of the things that I love most about terrain is how you can use it for a variety of games. This piece specifically would be good for Frostgrave, Bolt Action, Blood & Plunder and a whole host of other wargames. Heck, I bet you could even use it in 40K or Age of Sigmar if you wanted. Now, let’s take a closer look at the model.

Overall, I really like this building. It came as two separate pieces and feels sturdy.
Painting the Ruined Building
I found this building very easy (and quick) to paint. The grooves are deep so it takes to dry-brushing very well. I started by priming the model with Gesso followed by a lot of quick dry-brushing. Almost all of the colours I used were made by Ceramcoat brand paints (a cheap craft-store paint). I started by painting the whole model black and dry-brushed Hippo Grey on top of that. I followed that up with a coat of Dolphin Grey and some random spots of Greenisle. The bars on the side of the building I painted with Vallejo Panzer Aces 302 (Dark Rust). I also used a little bit of brown to paint the ladder type pieces on the front of the building.
The Building in Bolt Action
This building looks to be a nice piece for Bolt Action. Below are some showcase pictures of my British army miniatures in the building.

In terms of scale, this building is nice. I actually like my buildings to be on the larger and the fact that you can fit a full 10-man squad inside the building is a bonus. If you are familiar with Bolt Action terrain, below is a size comparison between this model and the Wrecked House by Warlord Games.

The Ruined Building in Blood and Plunder
I am having fun with this 28mm ruined building review. Below are images of how the building looks with 32mm Blood and Plunder Miniatures by Firelock Games.

Blood & Plunder remains one of the prettiest games I have ever seen. Check out how nicely these model’s eye level shots turned out. The guys at Firelock Games take a great deal of effort to make their models look really nice.

Don’t those images look great? My friend Brenden had those Blood & Plunder miniatures painted up for me and they look fantastic! Thanks Brenden.
My One Criticism
Overall, I really like this piece of terrain. It is easy to paint, feels durable and looks good on the table.
My one criticism is that there is a bit of a warp in the model I bought. I think this is because I might have bought a prototype, but I am not 100% sure. If you haven’t noticed before, below I point the flaw out.

Wrapping it up…
Hopefully you enjoyed this ruined building review. This piece of terrain by Six Squared Studios is a fine model. I don’t recall the price I paid for this model, but I remember it was very reasonable. Although it is not available on the website yet, if you see them at a convention, you might be able to buy yourself a copy.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
You could fix the warp pre painting by soaking in hot water and then gently bending it straight.
Are you sure? this is 3D printed?
I have these models, and have 3d printed several of them. I havent had any issues with warpage, as that tends to be a problem with material and/or extruder temperatures being used, and relatedly the print-bed and ambient air (if you have an enclosure) temp.
One thing about the model range, I have had to print evereything at about 20-30% (I don’t recall the specific value) above the default model size, in order to better accomodate minis and thier bases. If you look at the first landing on the stairs and the doorway width, they arent wide enough for a typical mini base. I sized the model up until a base could comfortable stand on that landing and/or slip through that doorway.
That is very cool BDub. I see what you are talking about. The bases on my model are 25mm rounds, which are standard to me.
Also, thanks for the tips about 3D printing. That will help if I ever get a printer and will likely help some of the people that come here to check out the site too.
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