This post is a follow up to my Showcase Articles featuring my Rebel and Imperial X-Wing Collections. Although those collections now belong to proud new owners, I figured readers might be interested in my solution for X-Wing storage.
As you can see from the title picture, I used four [amazon_textlink asin=’B012NW3RKW’ text=’Plano Boxes’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’mustcontainmi-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’7dfa228d-a29d-11e8-889b-01c5298f6961′] to store my X-Wing Miniatures and Game Components. These boxes came in a soft tackle box that I bought from Canadian Tire, but you can find these at other stores too. The case provided an easy way to transport the miniatures, but it is the boxes inside that made this solution so handy.
Of the cases, I had two dedicated to the board game type components of the game including tokens, cards and measuring sticks. The other two boxes were dedicated to my miniatures collection.
X-Wing Miniature Storage
How I organized the Board Game components I won’t get into because my set is from the first edition. The current edition of X-Wing is second.
The miniatures for the game, however, have not really changed. They still come in great packages and look fantastic on the table. What I would do for my storage solution is actually cut the original packaging inserts of the plastic to just the right size to fit in my Plano Boxes. The specific model of Plano Boxes I used are [amazon_textlink asin=’B012NW3RKW’ text=’Plano 3750′ template=’ProductLink’ store=’mustcontainmi-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’c25c0b16-a29c-11e8-82f0-97c9ee17740a’].

By cutting the plastic so that the K-Wing can rest against the top of the case, the miniature is well protected – at least as well protected as it comes in the original blister pack.

Below are pictures of my full collections in their storage solution. As a note, I have since sold off the collection but acknowledge that X-Wing is a great game.

Together, I was very happy with this storage solution for my X-Wing Collection and would highly recommend it to other people. It is affordable and a fun way to go. Being that these are fairly durable (yet beautiful) pre-painted miniatures, I see no issues with using fishing tackle boxes as your storage and transportation solution. These boxes that I present worked especially well.
Other X-Wing Articles
X-Wing is not one of the main games of this website, but we do have a couple of excellent X-Wing showcase articles. If you haven’t already, check out my X-Wing Collection posts for some real eye-candy. We have one post for the Rebel Fleet and one post for my Imperial Fleet.

Aside from the above two X-Wing Specific articles, we also have a couple of pieces about X-Wing type games. We have a Battle Report of TANKS and a Review of Runewars.
Wrapping it up
As shown above, I transported and stored my X-Wing collection in Plano Boxes (model 3750 specifically) inside a soft tackle box. This approach worked out very well for me and I recommend it for anyone looking for a way to store (and transport) their X-Wing miniatures on a budget.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
[amazon_link asins=’B07CSC5NGH,B012NW3RKW,B001O9BUZA,B01N5M8QSH,B000HJ9514′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’mustcontainmi-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’2e37214f-a29d-11e8-a22a-6d025490b1f0′]