In this post, we take a quick look at the X-Wing Miniatures Collection that once made up my Rebel forces. For those that wonder what I thought of the X-Wing Miniatures Game, I liked it (and think that it is a good system with awesome minis), but I got turned off the game by the local meta.
The game itself is really good. Fantasy Flight Games did a really handsome job of putting together a fun game with good tournament support. The game contains great rules, fantastic miniatures and draws a large gaming community of Tournament and Casual Players alike. Unfortunately, I fall into the category of Casual Player while most of my local player base would classify as Tournament Players. It is a little more expensive to be a Tournament Player than a Casual Player as Tournament Players need to buy all of the ships to get the best card combinations for their fleets. As a Casual Player, I did not own all of those best cards to be a top player of the game. The tournament players also play a lot more than me, so I am simply outmatched in both skill and equipment.
In my last game, I took a fluffy list of one Tie-Defender and a handful of Tie-Fighters against a min-maxed IG-2000 three ship list. My opponent hopelessly outclassed me, was intent on winning and destroyed me quickly. After the game, he apologized (as he realized he made a mockery of my fluffy list with his tournament list), but I never played X-Wing again. It was a nice gesture, but a not so fun experience.
At one time, I absolutely loved my X-Wing Collection. I am still very fond of it, but it sat on my shelf unused for two years, so I decided to sell the collection. Before selling the collection, I took several pictures of every ship. This post is a showcase article of my Rebel X-Wing collection (before selling it at Hotlead).
I hope that you enjoy the “eye-candy” in this post.
The Rebel Fleet

I started buying my collection just by purchasing the ships that I liked. It started with a couple of starter sets and an X-Wing. Later, I bought the Y-Wings and the Millennium Falcon. I got into the game somewhat early, so I remember when the C-3PO Card was the best card out there for your Millennium Falcon, but you had to buy a $100 (Canadian funds) ship (Tantive IV) to get that card. That was one of the two things that turned me off of the game – having to buy all of the ships to get the best cards for tournament play, and a lack of Casual Players in my area.
That said, I continued to collect X-Wing even though I played it less than I once did. Now let’s take a closer look at the ships.
Here I will provide some showcase pictures of each model and discuss a bit about the ship and how I used them. Take my ship use with a grain of salt as I am not the best X-Wing player out there. If you have better advice for how players should use the ships, please provide those ideas in the comments section below.
The Millennium Falcon
The Millennium Falcon was not the easiest ship for me to obtain. It eluded me twice as my FLGS sold out of the product two times before I could purchased mine. That said, it is a great ship to own and very iconic to the Star Wars Universe.

When I played, I used this ship as a mobile firing platform. It has a 360-degree arc of fire, good shields and good hull points.
The X-Wing
This ship is a beauty!

I bought three of these ships as soon as I could and even used them as a fleet at my first Tournament. They are a very robust and well rounded ship. Often, I liked to take three of these with one HWK-290.
The HWK-290
This is an interesting ship. I do not recall it from any of the movies, but I do remember it from one of the older Star War’s Video Games.

On its own, this ship is horrible!!! But select the right cards and pair it with some nice ships and it can really add to your combat advantage in any engagement. I tended to take it whenever I could, but I didn’t see it fielded by other players.
The Y-Wing
Here is an underappreciated ship. I, personally, did not use it often. I absolutely love the idea of having torpedo ships fully loaded up and attacking the enemy. Unfortunately, missile weapons are heavy in points and single use items. This later got corrected with new cards, but you have to buy more ships to get those cards.
If it comes to a choice of fully upgrading a Y-Wing or taking an X-Wing, your are better off taking the X-Wing (in my opinion).

Despite not having much luck with this ship in play, it looks beautiful.
The K-Wing
This cool looking ship came with some great cards. Specifically, there is one card I sought called “Extra-Munitions,” which makes your Tie-Bombers, Y-Wings, Tie-Punishers, and K-Wings much better. 🙂

Unfortunately, I can’t tell you how this ship performed in combat as I never used it. I actually bought it for the “Extra Munitions” card (and I was happy that it came with a cool looking mini).
The YT-2400 Freighter
Now this is a cool ship. It is not one that I remember from any of the movies or games that I played, but I like it.

This ship played really well. It was fast, agile and carries the potential to take a gigantic cannon with 360 degrees of fire. It also has a big weakness depending on how you build the ship. The biggest weakness is that it can’t defend itself against close in ships if it takes the Huge 360 degrees cannon upgrade.
The T-70
The T-70 is basically an improved X-Wing. This is the X-Wing of the new movies and a very functional ship.

I only used this ship a couple of times, but it feels like a more maneuverable X-Wing.
Wrapping It Up…
If someone were to ask me what I thought of X-Wing the Miniatures Game by Fantasy Flight Games, I would tell them that it is excellent. The miniatures are awesome, the rules are fun and the game is quick and simple to teach. The game is also very well supported by Fantasy Flight in the way of tournaments and new releases.
Unfortunately, the local meta didn’t match my play style. I didn’t have a group to fly casual games with and everyone I knew just wanted “practice” games for the tournament scene. The same problem may not be present for you if you want to get into this game as you might enjoy the Tournament setting or your local gaming atmosphere may differ from mine. After a couple of years playing X-Wing, I decided to focus my attention in on other games.
If you are one of the people that bought my ships at Hotlead, I hope that you enjoy them. They are really nice models. Also, please know that the money I received from them goes right back into materials and equipment for this website. Thank you for supporting Must Contain Minis.
We also have a post of our Imperial Fleet for X-Wing as well. Be sure to check that out too if you are interested.
The Photography Background
For readers wondering what I used as a background in all of the photos above, I used a Cigar Box Battle Plush Mat. Their mats make absolutely awesome backdrops for miniature photography and even better gaming surfaces for your battle tables. This one in particular is their #105 “Oceans” Mat and it reminds me of the atmospheric battle in Star Wars: Rogue One. Feel free to check out their online store. Their mats are really quite something nice!
Hopefully you enjoyed this showcase article of my Rebel Fleet for X-Wing.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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