When it comes to STL files for 3D Printed Models, MyMiniFactory is the first place I think of. Today, we look at some Fantasy models by RM Printable.

I’ve been a fan of these miniatures for a long time. Some memorable posts include looking at their fantastic Dwarf Miniatures, which I used in my first game of Mordheim. For those of you more into Sci-Fi minis, I really enjoyed looking at his Arvalon 8 Kickstarter too!

Today, we are going to look at more of miniatures by RM Printable. If you haven’t checked them out on MyMiniFactory, you can find them here.
A Closer Look at Some RM Printable Miniatures
In this post, we take a look at some new pictures of 3D Printed Models that you can get from MyMiniFactory.

This character above I believe would work well with either an Orc force or with Beastmen. Of course, you could use them for role playing or skirmish games too – instead of large scale wargames.

This guy sports two daggers and some impressive furs.

Need a character with a giant cross-bow, this lady has that!

The two figures above, I feel would make a very nice part of an Elf Army of some sort.
Wrapping it up…
Today’s post is just a quick one to show off some miniatures by RM Printable. If you haven’t checked them out on MyMiniFactory for a while, give them a look for some great Fantasy and Sci-Fi STL 3D Printer files. These files will help enhance your games.
Do you like what you see here?
Unitl next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!