Monster Fight Club captured my attention some time ago. They make pre-painted terrain for your wargaming table! That is Nice! If you haven’t heard of the company, they make gaming terrain that fits well for 28mm to 35mm miniatures. They are also going to Kickstarter with a new winter terrain campaign. If that is up your alley, be sure to check it out.
To give me an opportunity to review the quality of their work, they shipped me some of their products. This post contains some of my initial thoughts and first pictures of the products before my more in depth reviews.
Now, let’s get into it…
Disclaimer: Monster Fight Club sent Must Contain Minis this package of products for review purposes. While I accept review products, I am in no other way compensated for the posts on Must Contain Minis and reserve the right to give positive and negative reviews.
Initial Thoughts
My first thoughts when opening the packages was that this terrain presents itself really well. It is well packaged and looks great inside and outside of the box. It is truly ready for retail shelves.

A lot of thought and effort went into the packaging of this company’s products. They look nice in the box and even better on the outside. When taking the terrain out for the first time, I felt it was good enough to go.
I have heard other reviewers say that you might want to give the features another layer of dry-brushing, but I don’t feel that these trees need that. They are ready to go! I still have to open up the other products, but so far they are beautiful.
Let’s take a closer look at the Verdant Forest.
A Closer Look at the Verdant Forest
I will save most of the pictures for the actual review, but check these trees out. This is straight out of the box. They look great!

To make the terrain even more useful, Monster Fight Club designed the treetops so they come off. You can then use the treetops elsewhere as bushes and have bare trees on your table too.

Being that this is a teaser of my upcoming reviews, we will stop here with the pictures. Be sure to keep coming back to Must Contain Minis for more reviews and product showcases.
These products impressed Mrs. Must Contain Minis straight out of the box, and she is not a gamer. That says something right there about the quality of the product. It is good.
Checking the Products on Youtube
I just reviewed my first two products from the shipment on YouTube. You can see the video here.
Next, let’s join Monster Fight Club Sophie as she unboxes these same products for her very first time.
Wrapping it up…
Thank you for joining me in this quick look at the shipment that Monster Fight Club sent me for review. As a reminder, they do have their Kickstarter starting later today (September 22, 2020) so be sure to check out their Kickstarter Campaign after 2pm EDT. You can also check out the preview article here on MCM.
I am really looking forward to take a closer look at these terrain sets.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!

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