Welcome to my Wargames Atlantic Afghan Warriors Review. These 28mm hard plastic miniatures come 40 figures to a box at a great price. At their price point, I wasn’t sure how good they would look, so I was very curious. Fortunately Wargames Atlantic sent me a few boxes of their miniatures to investigate.
In this post I am going to give you a close look at the sprues and the miniatures I built. I also have a scale comparison image of the miniatures alongside some popular manufacturers. From these source materials, you can make up your own mind on whether these miniatures are worth their price and if they fit your collection.
Disclaimer: Wargames Atlantic sent Must Contain Minis a package of products for review purposes. A box of 28mm plastic Afghan Warriors miniatures was in that package. While I accept review products, I am in no other way compensated for my posts and reserve the right to give positive and negative reviews.
The Box
As you can see from the title image of this review, the box art is very nice. It shows an enjoyable illustration along with a picture of some completed miniatures. The back of the box is equally as pleasant with some more completed miniatures and some historical knowledge.

While the box gives you a good idea of what the miniatures look like when they are built, it does not show you how they look before. Let’s take a close look at those plastic sprues of the Afghan Warriors by Wargames Atlantic.
Afghan Warriors Sprues
Here I share with you several pictures of the plastic frames in the Afghan Warriors miniatures set by Wargames Atlantic.

Now that you have seen the sprues, let’s carry on with this Wargames Atlantic Afghan Warriors Review.
Constructed Miniatures
To get a feel for the miniatures, I built up five of them. They are super simple to put together and there is more than enough variety here to keep me happy.

Showing off the miniatures unpainted is one thing but how do they look painted up? I gave this box to my friend and painter extraordinaire Dave Lamers along with the five miniatures that I built to see what he could do with them. They turned out very well!

If you are like me and love miniature of all sorts, you probably wonder how they measure up against other manufacturers and miniatures lines. Well, I have some pictures for you too then.
Scale Comparison of Wargames Atlantic Afghan Warriors
Now let’s see how the Afghan Warrior figures line up against other manufacturers.

Kit Bashing?
So, what kind of Kitbashing opportunities are out there for these miniatures? That is a good question. The bodies are really nice and I think you could take these miniatures right into modern day or post-apocalyptic depending on what you pair them up with. If you have a website where you kit bashed these figures, please leave a link to your site in the comments below to share your work with the greater community.
For my own curiosity I played around with some of the bits that I have laying around. It turns out the Afghans fit in nicely with both Bolt Action and Frostgrave bits.

The Review on YouTube…
I also published a video version of this review. If you haven’t checked out the Must Contain Minis YouTube Channel yet, please come on over and hit that subscribe button!
What sets my channel apart from the other Miniature Reviewers on YouTube is that I focus on presenting products using high quality photographs with narration.
Wrapping it up…
Overall, I really like these miniatures by Wargames Atlantic. The detail levels on these miniatures is fantastic, the models look great and they are extremely affordable.
They measure up very well with North Star Military Figures Frostgrave miniatures and historical lines like Bolt Action. They would look as natural on the streets of Feldstad as they would serving with the Taliban in a modern setting with a few swaps and additions.
On top of that, there is some good kit bashing opportunities here and they look really nice painted up. Lots of raised details in the clothing means they should paint up fairly well with simple techniques. I am looking forward to seeing what else Dave does with the box of Afghan Warriors that I gave him. Hopefully we can post a few more pictures of those models in a future showcase article.
Special thanks goes out again to Wargames Atlantic for sending me these miniatures and thank you for joining me in this Wargames Atlantic Afghan Warriors Review.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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