Welcome to this Wargames Atlantic Persian Infantry Review. In this post, I take a close look at the miniatures that come in Wargames Atlantic’s Persian Infantry Hard Plastic miniatures set. This box comes with 40 multi-part hard plastic miniatures for just $34.95 USD. At that price, can they even be good? Absolutely.
Now, let’s get into it.
Disclaimer: Wargames Atlantic sent Must Contain Minis this box of 28mm plastic Persian Infantry miniatures for review. While I accept review products, I am in no other way compensated for my posts and reserve the right to give positive and negative reviews.
The Box
As you can see from the title image above, 40 multi-part hard plastic miniatures come in this box set. That is a lot of figures!

The back of the box gives you a little more information about the figures and history of Persian Infantry. It also directs you to their website, where you can download flags and standards to print off for your Persian forces.
So what is in the box? There are no bases, but plenty of sprues.
Persian Infantry Sprues
Wargames Atlantic sends you 8 of these sprues. Looking at the sprues, you will notice that one of the figures is sculpted with a bow. This means that your Persian force will have a minimum of 8 archers to a maximum of 24 archers per box of 40 infantry miniatures.

Like the Afghan Warriors that I reviewed earlier, these miniatures are nicely detailed. I will admit though that some of these parts are really small. I was afraid of snapping pieces and breaking parts while I took them off the sprue. Those fears were quelled as I worked with the frame. The pieces flexed just enough to not cause injury to the pieces while I worked around them with my blade and clippers.
Now, let’s take a closer look at the details on some constructed miniatures.
Constructed Miniatures
Just to get a feel for the miniatures, I built five miniatures to start.

A Painted Mini

No Persian Infantry Review would be complete without a picture for scale comparison. Let’s see how the miniature scales against other lines.
Scale Comparison of Wargames Atlantic Persian Infantry
Oddly enough, the Persian Infantry are not the exact same scale as Wargames Atlantic’s Afghan Warriors. They are close enough, yet slightly off. I think that just means that they use different sculptors for the two sets of models.

Wrapping it up…
Thank you for joining me in this Wargames Atlantic Persian Infantry Review. Overall, I really like the miniatures. The proportions are more life like (less heroic scale) than many of the figures that I worked with in the past. These miniatures are clearly aimed at the Historical Wargamer, but Fantasy Players may also find uses for them too.
They fit in well enough with Frostgrave figures and miniatures of other lines in my collection. On top of that, the value factor for these miniatures is through the roof! They are less than $1 each (USD). If you need lots of figures for a generic or fantasy army, this is a very appealing way to go.
Special thanks goes out again to Wargames Atlantic for sending me these miniatures for review.
Oh ya… This review is now up on YouTube too! Please let me know what you think in the comments below.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
Thank you for the size comparison; that’s always a welcome feature in a mini review.
Thank you so much for the comment Euan Smith. Much appreciated and I am happy that you liked the review.