Yar, Cap’n Slippery sails in and instructs his Stuffie mates. “Raise the Jolly Roger and take no quarter. Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. If there must be blood, then there must be blood, but we be here to plunder these lands and to take what is ours.”
The Stuffies Disembark
Cap’n Slippery’s swabby mates Pengy and Penguin lead the charge and set up camp first.

Hopefully this take over will not last long. I like talking about miniatures. I never intended to start a Stuffies website. That said, there are still some miniature gaming terrain pieces in this hijacked article, so let’s talk about those items.
Terrain in this Post
Part of the fun of having the Stuffie miniatures taking over the site is we get to see some gaming terrain used in a different way. Here we have some ships (and boats) by Firelock Games, terrain pieces by Six Squared Studios and a gaming mat by Cardboard Dungeon Games all pictured with plush stuffed animals.
It is a unique way to display some of the products that we know and love. Perhaps it might even give you some fun ideas to do with your family. I know I always sneaked my miniatures into Mrs. Must Contain Minis Christmas Villages. This Stuffie band of pirates’ takeover is basically a reversal of my normal operations.

The Day Comes to a Close
Thankfully, the Cap’n slippery and his crew of Stuffies wanted to take over Must Contain Minis only for International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Now that the day is almost done, the Captain yells out to his crew.
“Ahoy, Me Hearties!” calls out Cap’n Slippery. “All hands on deck and hear me orders! We find ye treasure we were after and me happy with the plunder. It is time for us to sail home and spend our new found riches!”

Wrapping it up…
I must admit, today’s post is totally out of the ordinary. Never has a band of Stuffies raided Must Contain Minis before. Now that they are gone, we can concentrate on gaming again.
Perhaps of interest to my readers is that the gaming mat I pictured those Stuffies on is on sale for $10 off until September 20 (2020). Firelock Games is also heading to Kickstarter on October 6th to bring us 28mm plastic ships and pirates for their awesome historical game – Blood & Plunder.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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