Once a year, we take a moment to honour our veterans and the sacrifices they made. In Canada, we call the day that we do that Remembrance Day. The same is true with many of the other Commonwealth Countries. America’s Veterans Day and Poland’s Independence Day also take place on the same day as Canada’s Remembrance Day. All are tied to the end of the first World War. Other countries have similar days to honour their soldiers, but not all are the same as those listed above.
To honour the moment on Must Contain Minis, I decided to share some pictures from Sword and Brush 2019. This time, we have some British soldiers getting ready to storm over their trenches and into no man’s land. Master Box Ltd. manufactures this Diorama. They call it “British Infantry before the attack, WW1 era,” (barcode number 35114). These are 1/35 historical model figures. The model box comes with the figures and trench.

While the trench and figures came with the kit, the box they are in and extra scenery do not come with the model. Those were added by the artist. Now, let’s take a closer look at the model.
A Closer Look at British Infantry Before the Attack
I do apologize now that I do not have the full information of the artist that painted and built this diorama. That said, we can still take a closer look at the model that he submitted to Sword and Brush 2019’s painting competition.

The details on the models are nicely done, let’s zoom into that guy in the centre.

There are some fuzzy strands that got onto the diorama somehow, but you can still appreciate the well done job done on these model soldiers.
Again, I wish I knew the details of who entered this piece into the contest so I could recognize them for their good work. If you know who painted this item, please let me know and I will fill in the details.
Lest We Forget
I cannot tell you how grateful I am that I have never had to fight in a war. Instead, I am very content to collect toy soldiers and to play games. These games, while war related, are not real.
On November 11, we remember all of those that have gone to war for us. This includes the brave men and women of both World Wars as well as every other conflict. We also honour our modern warriors and veterans and thank them for the services that they provide. My heart goes out to all of you, and I thank you for your service.
I hope that you also take your moment of silence to reflect on those that fight to keep us safe. At the same time, I wish for the world to have peace and stability.
Rather than signing off in the regular fashion, I am going to end by stating “Lest We Forget.” Be sure that you take time to reflect today.
Finally, if you want more Sword and Brush 2019 articles, be sure to check out my Wrap Up Article gathering together every single Sword and Brush 2019 article that I wrote.
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