In this post, we take a look at a Blister of German Snipers painted for Flames of War by me, Jacob Stauttener of Must Contain Minis. For those wondering, the gaming scale of these figures is 15mm and they come in Blister Pack GE883 (Major Bruno Koenig and Snipers) for Flames of War by Battlefront.
This Blister comes with 3 Snipers, 3 Spotters, Major Bruno Koenig, 4 Russian Casualties and some scenery pieces (bricks of ruined buildings).

Overall, this is a good looking set of miniatures. I will admit, that I speed painted the three sets of Snipers with Spotters, but I did take my time with the character figure of Bruno. As a result, his stand is the best looking one of the group.

Below are some more figures of this sniper.

While the above figure is my favourite, there are three other stands in this set too.

Below we take a closer look at the other three stands of German Snipers. I painted these miniatures with a quick base coat of proper Battlefront colours for Grenadiers and then washed them in a dark coat of MinWax Polyshades. That is where I left these miniatures. If I weren’t in such a hurry to complete them, I could hit them with a dull coat of varnish to reduce the shine on the models.
Sometimes I just want to get my minis on the table! 🙂

Each model is tagged with a colour-coded tab to help with quick identification on the battlefield. Here we have sliver for “Command Team” models based on using them from the Third Edition of Flames of War.
Overall, I am fairly pleased with these miniatures. I painted the regular Snipers very quickly while taking my time on the Major.
I used a Europe Gaming Mat by Cigar Box Battle as the backdrop for this Showcase Article. If you want a better look at the mat, we have a Review and a Flames of War Battle Report featuring this product.
If you are wondering what I did with the Russian Casualties, well, I used them for one of my Cthulhu based Flames of War Objective Markers.

Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!