Recently a good friend of mine sent out some great looking Flames of War pictures. Being that they looked so great, I asked if I could share them on Must Contain Minis. In this post, I share with you Brenden Brown’s Strelkovy Platoon for Flames of War. These figures are part of Russia’s World War 2 forces.
Brenden Brown took all of the pictures and did all of the painting in this post. Now, let’s check out those pictures!!!
The Strelkovy Platoon
The Strelkovy were Russian Naval infantry used in amphibious landings and nicknamed “Black Death” by the Germans because of their uniforms.

Aside from participating in amphibious assaults, the Strelkovy were also known for defending cities.

For more on the history of Soviet Naval Infantry, check out Battlefront’s Intelligence Briefing Page for the Black Death.
A Platoon as a Diorama
You many have noticed above, but check out Brenden’s unique approach to this Strelkovy Platoon. He actually made the entire platoon as a diorama!!!

Now these models look incredible from a top down view, but they look even better from a model’s eye view.

Wrapping it up…
Hopefully you enjoyed this quick Flames of War showcase. Thanks goes out to Brenden Brown again for allowing me to share his work on this website.
I really like how he based out the game figures as recommended for Flames of War, but also made the entire unit into a diorama. Just incredible!!!
For more work by him, check out his painter’s page on Must Contain Minis.
The miniatures in this post are manufactured by Battlefront for Flames of War. Their website contains a wealth of articles and products for your 15mm WW2 gaming table.
Until next time… Happy Gaming Everyone!!!

Nice pictures! I really like the urban bases for these Soviet Naval Infantry dudes.The idea of having all the bases come together in a puzzle-diorama is excellent. I’ve never seen anything like this in years of wargaming. Very clever.
Thanks for the comment Andres. Always like hearing from you. Brenden certainly did a nice job with these minis. I never thought of doing my minis as a large diorama either (outside of objective markers or individual bases for Kings of War or Flames of War). The fact that he did a large group of them as a puzzle diorama is so cool.
Thanks again for the comment!!!
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