In this post, we take a close look at some 15mm miniatures that Brenden Brown painted for Flames of War. This time, he shows off his World War 2 American Winter Infantry.
As a note, Brenden Brown painted all of the models and took all of the pictures in this post. These pictures are not his newest work and a couple of years old. His newest work is even more impressive!
American Infantry in Winter Uniforms
Brenden painted up an entire platoon of American Infantry in Winter Uniforms for urban environment settings. These models can be used as American Airborne or as regular American Infantry. I don’t believe they are available through BattleFront anymore. They are older miniatures.
Now, let’s take a closer look.
The Pictures
Check these guys out. Brenden did an absolutely great job basing and painting these 15mm minis.

How Brenden Based the Miniatures
To base these miniatures, Brenden used the Urban Bases by BattleFront. Look up “XX106 Plastic Bases – Rubble” if you are interested in them on the Flames of War webstore. He then added bits of rubble (which is just kitty litter that he washed heavily). After that, he used regular snow flock, which Gale Force 9 sells. Just sprinkle it on the base with glue and leave it.
To get that wet look, Brenden added some gloss (or mixed water effect) to finish the basing off.

Wrapping it up…
The last time that we talked about Brenden Brown, we looked at his Strelkovy Platoon. The way he made those bases fit together like a puzzle I found absolutely awesome! While his work on these miniatures predates those of the Strelkovy Platoon, he made these miniatures look great too! If you want to see more of his work, we have a section on this website dedicated to his showcases.
Thank you for joining me in this look at Brenden’s American Winter Infantry for Flames of War. Brenden made these miniatures look great and I always like checking out his work.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!