Okay, the title of this post is a bit of a bold statement, but I find Gaslands the best value game of 2018. For those that don’t know, Gaslands is published by Osprey Games and is extremely affordable to get into. To get into the game, all you need is a copy of the [amazon_textlink asin=’1472818539′ text=’rule book’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’mustcontainmi-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’e42e82fc-0014-11e9-8564-09c2da880aa3′], and a handful of cars. For the cars, use match box or similar cars for best affordability.
Absolute Affordability
If you want a good game with an affordable price, look no further than Osprey Games‘ Gaslands. This game comes in at an absolute value at $19 American (you can get it for less on [amazon_textlink asin=’1472818539′ text=’Amazon’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’mustcontainmi-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’b6ea0aee-0017-11e9-90ab-272edb1c9619′]). To make it even better, the author has already created three expansions all available for free from the Gaslands’ Website.
Heck, if you want the game to be even more affordable, you can buy PDF cars and maps. If you go that route, you could treat the game in a way like a print-and-play board game. Personally, I would rather play with real matchbox cars and a nice gaming mat. That said, I wouldn’t judge anyone based on their choices. Perhaps you might even already have Hotwheels or Matchbox cars sitting around.
Now, you can get fancy tokens from various third party companies, but you could also print those tokens for free out of the book or off of the Gaslands website.
Needing just the book, and a handful of Matchbox Cars and you are fully into the game for just $20 to $40. Not bad at all, especially if you have kids you want to buy for and don’t want to spend a lot of money on a more expensive game.
The Game Itself
The Game itself plays good and has very positive reviews from around the web. In a quick summary, it acts kind of like an X-Wing Style game in that it uses templates.
You spend currency (cans) to build your force and go from there. The game uses D-6s for gear shifting, car handling and combat. There is a campaign system to the game and it is super fun!
If you want to know more about how to play the game, below is a “Let’s Play!” video by one of my favourite YouTubers (Ash of Guerrilla Miniature Games).
Gaslands at Broadsword 7
I keep hoping to get into Gaslands at my local covnentions. Again, I managed to miss the game at Broadsword, but Lee of Crucible Crush managed to snap a few pictures for me. Thanks Lee!!
Below is the decription from the Broadsword Facebook Page of the game that I missed.
Gaslands: Death Race
Cars with guns shoot at other cars with guns while attempting to race. Wackiness ensues.
Mike Davey – up to 4 players

It looks pretty tight up above, wish I could have made it. I would hate to be one of those guys on the motorcycles though. 🙂

These are some nicely done tables and the cars are done up much nicer than the ones I own.
Wrapping it up…
If you haven’t checked out Gaslands yet, I hope you enjoyed this article. Of all the games I looked at this year, this game takes the prize for value. There is an extremely fun game here packed in for a fantastic price. Also, it is incredible that Mike Hutchinson offers the three issues of Time Extended Expansions for absolutely free!!! What an incredible value!
I know I compared the game above to X-Wing, but I feel this game is better and there is more to it as well. Don’t let that deter you though, the game is fun, simple and will cost you no where near as much as most of the other miniature games out there.
A special thanks goes out to Osprey Games for their continued support of this website. They have been absolutely fantastic at providing us with review products including our copy of gaslands.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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Gaslands is awesome! Around my part of the world it has sprouted an enthusiastic community. It’s funny to see grownups boasting about their latest loot: Hot Wheels cars they got at the local mall 🙂
I must confess that even though I bought the game, I’m currently more into the hobby aspect than actually playing it — converting hot wheels into Mad Max cars! This is incredibly fun. If you haven’t seen it yet, there’s a fantastic YouTube channel of a guy (baremetalHW) who does Hot Wheels restorations and which has a playlist specifically about converting them to Mad Max style cars.
The game itself is fun and lightweight, just my ticket these days.
Thanks Andres. It is awesome to hear that the game has taken off in your area. I haven’t heard of baremetalHW, but I will be looking him up.
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