Some time ago, I came across a Canadian Company called Hot Dice Miniatures. From time-to-time, I watch their YouTube videos, but something lately caught my eye about them. They developed a series of gaming mats and are now running a contest where you could win one free!!! Details of the contest are at the end of this article.
Update: August 5, 2020 – Please note that Cardboard Dungeon Games now owns the rights to these mats. If you like the designs, check out Cardboard Dungeon Games to order them.
The Mats
Now, let’s take a quick look at these mats. Hot Dice Miniatures has three double-sided gaming mats available. They are a little more on the Sci-Fi and High-Fantasy side of things than where I usually go, but they certainly look neat. These mats are made out of neoprene, but I cannot talk of their quality because I have not seen them in person.
My main goal with this post is to inform my readers of the current contest while illuminating products by a Canadian Company.
Note: All images in this post are from Hot Dice Miniatures and used with their permission.
Time Nomad
This mat the most generic of the game mats available (in my opinion). The Sci-Fi side could possibly work as an urban area if you cover up some of the more distinct elements, and the Jungle side might be of use across multiple gaming systems.

Conflict in Sepia
The city side of this mat is one of my favourites in this collection. It would make for a great dilapidated town (or slum) in a Post-Apocalyptic (or Sci-Fi) setting. It would also likely work for modern settings, or, with some stretching, a WW2 Setting. The opposite side of the mat is a red planet setting (kind of like the surface of Mars).

Of the mats, I feel this is the one best suited for Sci-Fi players, but my favourite image from the three mats is the dilapidated city.
Hades & Poseiden Mat
If it weren’t for the fact that I already own a great Ocean Mat, the Poseiden Mat is one I would love. It would work well for Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago or Blood and Plunder. The Hades side does not fit my current gaming collection, but I am sure that it would work out very well for other people into Age of Sigmar and other games.

The Contest
If you like the design of the mats above, you could win one for free by entering a contest. This contest is to celebrate Hot Dice Miniatures‘ first 1000 YouTube subscribers. To enter, you need to find an NPC (Unarmed Civilian) miniature, and follow the directions below. The Contest ends on March 27, 2018.
Original Post on Hot Dice Miniatures.
Hey guess what!
I’ve just hit the 1k subscribers mark on my Youtube channel and as a result I’m holding a painting contest. The contest video is at the bottom of this post, but here are the rules:
Due Date: March 27th
Subject: A 28mm NPC, Villager or Citizen from any setting. The miniature must not have a weapon.
How to submit: Post a picture of the unpainted NPC figure on a piece of paper with the date and “HDM Contest” written on it and a photo of the painted figure to an email ([email protected]) or tweet it at me (@hotdiceminis). In the message you must include the NPC’s name, what is their occupation, what game they are meant for and what part of that game’s world they are from!I will make a video showing off all of the submissions.
The prize is your choice of any one of my very own neoprene double-sided wargaming mats shipped straight to your front door (worldwide free shipping). They can be viewed at: HotDiceMiniatures Website
Original Post on Hot Dice Miniatures.
Hopefully you enjoyed this quick post. Remember, if you want a shot at winning one of these mats for free, you have to enter the contest. The contest ends on March 27th.
These mats are also available for purchase and cost $120 Canadian each. As a bonus to my Canadian Readers, these mats are from Canada, so you don’t have to worry about Customs, exchange rates, or overly high shipping rates.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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