Want some steam pulp type figures? Pulp Figures goes to Kickstarter with their first installment of miniatures for a series of miniatures that will expand into Victorian Sci-Fi and other directions too. There are historical miniatures here as well those with a pulpier feel too.
As a note, I actually got some of these figures in to look at. You can read my quick review or continue on with this story. Perhaps even read both. 🙂
Below is how this series is described on Kickstarter.
This is a foundational initial series (hence the Zulu War theme) that will eventually lead in many more directions including Victorian Sci-Fi and many civilian personalities both from fiction and history. The approach here is intended to be fun and light hearted, ie. character driven & Pulpy.
Kickstarter – Steam Pulp, Zulu War by Bob Murch

Those are some nice looking figures.

I could see someone building a very nice Victorian Sci-Fi (or historical) British army out of these miniatures. As with the other miniatures by Pulp Figures, these miniatures are scaled for 28mm gaming.
For this Kickstarter Campaign, there are two different pledge levels that you can join in at.

Because the campaign is run out of Canada, the prices are in Canadian dollars. Above is what you get for $98 and below is the larger pledge set for $360.

If these miniatures interest you, be sure to check out the Kickstarter campaign while it is still running.
Wrapping it up…
Today’s post is about bringing some awareness to a project of new miniatures by Pulp Figures for your various games set in the Historical Zulu Wars, the age of Victorian Sci-Fi, or in your favourite Steam Pulp titles. Right now, there is just a week left to the campaign.
I was fortunate enough to get my hands on some of the miniatures from these sets, so I will post pictures of them on Must Contain Minis before the campaign ends.

As with all Kickstarter Campaigns, be sure you understand the risks involved before you join. This is their third Kickstarter and I also have figures from their 1066 campaign. For more posts related to Pulp Figures, check this link.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!