Today I saw an announcement from The Wargame Vault about a number of new releases that look exciting! I figured that since they excited me, they might strike your interest too. We have one game about Demons and four Sci-Fi games to share.
Below are those items. If you like what you see, head on over to The Wargame Vault and give them a look. I will place links throughout this article to them.
Reign in Hell
First up, we have a brand new game by Uncle Atom and his friend Vince. This is Reign in Hell. In this game, you play as the bad guys. You get to raise a warband of Demons to Reign in Hell. you can check the game out on the Wargame Vault for more, but below are a couple of videos about the game too.
Adam Loper is one of the people that I follow on YouTube. Lately I noticed he was getting more and more into miniatures agnostic games. Now he has released his own. I find that very interesting.
Again, you can check this title out on the Wargame Vault here if you want to take a closer look.
Five Parsecs From Home
Five Parsecs From Home is a game that caught my attention in the past. I’ve already done a quick write up on this one that you can see on MCM. It is now available on the Wargame Vault.
This one allows you to create a space crew and run solo adventures off in space. It is a very interesting take on miniature gaming and it incorporates more RPG elements than other games. If this sounds like something that might interest you, you can check it out here too.

Void Pirates
This next one I never heard of before. Void Pirates. This game runs 2 to 6 miniatures a side and might be worth a look if you want a low model count Sci-Fi Game. You can check it out over on the Wargame Vault.

KONTRABAND – More Salvage and Survival
KONTRABAND is an expansion to Zona Alfa. Zona Alfa is a really good game and I enjoyed reading through the rules when Osprey Games sent them to me. Thank you for that Osprey. You can check out Zona Alfa on the Wargame Vault, but today’s news is a new expansion to the game. Feel free to check that out too to see if it is something you might be interested in.

Here is one of my recent favorites. It was not in the Wargame Vault newsletter, but it is available through them, and it is a great game too. I really like how the game matches up to Frostgrave and gives you a very similar system, but for in space!
I have a lot of content on this site about Stargrave already. You can find it in my Frostgrave Section. I also have a video flip through of the book below. If you don’t have a copy of the rule book yet, you can check the price over on the Wargame Vault from here.
Wrapping it up…
When I saw this week’s newsletter from the Wargame Vault, I had to share these new titles. I figured that if I found them interesting, you might too.
As a note, we have an affiliate sales relationship with the Wargame Vault. If you end up purchasing one of their products from this site, a portion of the sale price goes to Must Contain Minis at no extra cost to you. If you just want to surf their general site and see what they have, you can use this link here.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!