This post is a tires scatter terrain review for models by Six Squared Studios. For those who don’t know Six Squared Studios is a company that specializes in MDF bases, resin scatter terrain and 3D printed terrain. They have very good shipping rates within North America.
More than anything, this article is an awareness piece. I picked up this terrain at a convention. It does not yet list on their site, but if you reach out to them, I wouldn’t be surprised if they can get you these tires at an affordable rate. Now let’s take a closer look.
The Tires
Here we are with the tires by Six Squared Studios. They scaled them for 28mm gaming.

Painting inside the tires I found very difficult, but I got it done. Other than that, they are very straight forwards terrain pieces.
Scale Images
Here I have the tires with some 32mm and Games Workshop miniatures to show the scale of the tires.

To me, these scale pretty well with the miniatures above. For their price, this is a good value product.
Wrapping it up…
Thank you for joining me in this very quick Six Squared Studios‘ tires scatter terrain review. If you have not checked out the company before, they are well worth a look for my North American Audience.
Although these tires are not currently available on their website, you might be able to ask for them, and I would imagine that they will get them up there eventually. Despite this, give them a look. Six Squared Studios has great terrain, amazing prices and good shipping rates. If you are looking for a value based company in North America, look here.
While I like them for their scatter terrain, they are most well known for their MDF bases. They are also getting into miniatures and if you want to know more about the company and their products, I have a section on Must Contain Minis dedicated to Six Squared Studios. I highly recommend their sandbags for historical gamers.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
I’ve been very much enjoying your frequent updates with MCM! I wanted to know however where on the Six Squared Studies can I find the Tire Scatter Terrain that you reviewed this time? Many thanks. ::Brian::
You may have to reach out to them directly Brian. They’ve told me that they have plans to post them on their site, but I have not seen them there yet. The do sell them, but I bought them from a convention about a year ago.
Best of luck to you Brian and thanks for the comment!