Blood & Plunder: Raise the Black by Firelock Games smashes through its Kickstarter goal in just four hours. In this article, we check in on this campaign as it sets sail fast towards the Caribbean. Whether you are a Blood & Plunder veteran or someone just interested in pirates, this Kickstarter is for you.
The goal of the Raise the Black Kickstarter is for Firelock Games to fund the release of a two player starter set for their very successful game, Blood & Plunder in plastic. Blood & Plunder is an absolutely stunning 28mm miniatures game featuring tall ships and Caribbean boucaniers. In this starter set, the Firelock Games moves the time line of their setting forward.
If you are an established player and want to keep the setting in the 17th century, that is okay. There is stuff for you still in this Kickstarter. For me, I am excited for the inclusion of Blackbeard and will focus this article mostly on the new starter set.
This time we move from the time of boucaniers and settlers to the 18th century and the Golden Age of Pirates. This is exciting news!!! To make the news even more exciting, Firelock Games is releasing plastic kits and miniatures! I love working with plastic minis!
As a note: all of the images in this post are from the Raise the Black Kickstarter Page and Firelock Games’ Website.
The Old Starter for Blood & Plunder
Blood & Plunder never had a starter set before. They had a starter bundle, but you got no ships, gages or extras. Instead, you got two box sets of crew members, the hardcover rule book and activation cards. The miniatures in this starter are all made of metal.

A New Starter Set for Blood & Plunder
In Raise the Black, Firelock Games steps it up with the presentation of their game and the contents of their starting point. Check out the contents of the Blackbeard vs Maynard Starter Set on Kickstarter. This one sails in at $119 USD.

This box is packed with content. Let’s take a look at what they packed in there.

I find the contents of this box set thrilling and I love that it comes with two plastic ships. This will make for some great looking tabletops and give a good taste of the game for newcomers.

Below, the guys from Firelock Games take us through a battle straight out of the new starter set. Very cool!
More on the Raise the Black Kickstarter
While the new starter set is the focus of my attention, there is plenty of other stuff in this kickstarter set for new and old players alike. Let’s hear what Mike Tuñez has to say about Raise the Black.
Before closing out, I will add in a couple of extra images that I found.

Wrapping it up…
I am so happy to see the Blood & Plunder: Raise the Black Kickstarter Campaign on the go. I have been so excited about this project that I already wrote four posts about it on Must Contain Minis and two on Bell of Lost Souls. You can read those stories and more on my Bell of Lost Souls Author Page and on my Must Contain Minis Firelock Games Section.
I can’t wait to see how this campaign progresses. I expect to see stretch goals go up in the next day or two, and the guys at Firelock Games are very happy with their progress so far. For more on Blood & Plunder (and how to play), you can also check out the official Blood & Plunder website.
Until next time, Happy gaming Everyone!!!

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