Ever think of basing your Flames of War miniatures up as a diorama? Brenden Brown continues to work hard on doing exactly that. Let’s take a look at his latest pictures and work on 15mm Flames of War Miniatures.
As a note, all of the pictures, painting and basing work in this post are all by Brenden Brown.
Diorama Basing
When I played Flames of War, I liked that I could think of each base as a mini diorama. Brenden took that to the next level. Check this out. The whole platoon is a diorama!

I love the details that Brenden put into his models and their basing. He made the entire company so the models fit together as one big diorama. That diorama even tells its own story. You have some models advancing through the yards of homes and others in a ruined apartment building. It looks fabulous.
It doesn’t stop there though!

Talking to Brenden
So I asked Brenden to quickly tell me a bit about his project and the units he painted. Below is his response.
This is a Russian SMG company, with 2 added flame throwers. They are some of the latest plastics from BF. Again the basing is scrap MDF, textured plastic card, match sticks, some printed paper for carpet. To me any junk can be useful for terrain and basing. Vallejo paints. Base colour, wash with Argax or Nuln, base, sharp highlights and we good.
Facebook Chat with Brenden Brown – August 26, 2020
More Pictures
Below are more pictures of Brenden’s excellent work. Keep in mind these are 15mm miniatures. I think they look fantastic

These pictures look amazing!!! What do you think?
Wrapping it up…
Thanks for joining me in this look at Brenden’s awesome work. His basing of his Flames of War company as a large diorama is absolutely incredible. Feel free to mention in the comments below what you think of this concept of basing your army as a continuous diorama, and what you think of Brenden’s work.
Special thanks goes out again to Brenden Brown for taking the time to talk to me about his project and for sharing his photos for the readers of Must Contain Minis.
Until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!